Example 4.3

Question: How many full-time employees have bachelor's degrees in a particular department in your C/S/VP?

►       Start with the Educational Attainment graph, click on to display the departments in your C/S/VP and their educational attainment.

►       Go to the Full-Time/Part-Time filter at the top of the page, right side, click on the down arrow, select Full-Time.

►       For the department you are interested in, mouse over the column for BA/BS, or click on the Table button in the upper right corner of the page to display counts and percentages.

►       Print the page if desired.

►       To return to the C/S/VP level, click on the in the upper right corner of the page.

►       Click on the Revert button at the bottom or top of the page to undo the Full-Time filter.