3.2 - Headcounts Over Time by Job Category

  • The column graphs at the bottom of the Headcount Trends page show headcounts by job category. Job categories are occupational groupings of jobs based on the federal Standard Occupational Categories (SOC). Within each occupation group you can drill down to the job titles in that occupation group. You can identify which occupation groups exist at (1) the overall university; (2) a selected college, school, VP portfolio (C/S/VP), or department; and (3) all units on campus other than the selected unit. Scroll right to see all of the categories.
  • Headcount can be displayed in one of three ways. Select the relevant Headcount Type in the upper left corner.

►       The default is a Snapshot: a typical headcount in any of the three semesters. Fall is the default semester. Select the semester of interest using the dropdown menu box next to the Headcount Type by clicking on the down arrow and select Fall, Spring, or Summer. The semester menu only works for the snapshot view.

►       Full Time Equivalent (FTE): a count of full-time equivalent appointed hours for an entire FY. (Nine full-time months equal one FTE for faculty; summer appointments are added on.)

►       Cumulative: a count of the number of employees who worked during the FY regardless of their number of total hours.

 Query the data to answer questions

  • Select a name or color on the color key to highlight that dataset. Select the same name or color to turn off highlight.
  • Hover over a single bar to display relevant information such as specific headcount, percent change from the previous year, and data sources.
  • Select a single bar to highlight data in this and related graphs for the selected FY. Select the column again to turn off the highlight.
  • In the upper right corner, select Table to display numeric information in place of the bar and line graphs.
  • Drill down in the occupational groups to examine job titles

►       Level 1: major occupational group is the broadest level and is the default display.

►       Level 2: UT job titles identifies the job titles that fall into an occupation. To drill down to level 2, hover the mouse above the headcount scales on the left side of the bar graphs until you see a small box with a + in it, click on the +.

►       To drill back up to Level 1, hover the mouse above the headcount scales on the left side of the bar graphs until you see a small box with a - in it, click on the -.

  • Filters allow you to focus on specific information. This report contains several filters across the top of the page. You can use the filters singly or in combination to refine, or “slice,” the data. The filters are described below.

►       Filter for Employee Type using the dropdown menu at the top of the page: click on the down arrow, click on the “All” check mark to remove all check marks, then click the boxes of employee types you want to include.

►       Filter to view Monthly or Hourly employees using the dropdown menu at the top of the page: click on the down arrow, select monthly or hourly.

►       Filter to view Job Category(ies) (Occupational Group) using the dropdown menu at the top of the page: click on the down arrow, click on the “All” check mark to remove all check marks, then click the boxes of job categories you want to include. If specific job titles are of interest, then use the Job Titles filter.

►       Filter to view one or more Job Titles using the dropdown menu at the top of the page. After selecting the dropdown menu by clicking on the down arrow, remove titles by clicking the check marks of titles you want to exclude, or click on the “All” check mark to remove all check marks, then click the boxes of titles you want to include. If categories of job titles, or occupations, are of interest, then use the Job Category filter.

►       To view job categories and job titles in departments within the C/S/VP, click on   (If there are not any departments this symbol will not appear) to the right of the Headcounts Over Time by Job Category heading.


Example 3.2.1



For questions or comments, contact:

Karen Blanchette: karenblanchette@austin.utexas.edu (512.475.8055)

John Moore: john.moore@austin.utexas.edu (512.475.8062)