Created 7/1/2017 ml

Prep work before addressing all the RTBS

Line out with a squiggly line classes we will NOT assign a room, these may already have Do Not Schedule (or DNS) timeline notes:

  • Nursing and Law and Medical School
  • Short courses
  • Blank Blanks (without timeline notes with original room requested)
  • Classes meeting off campus (like Education and Pharmacy)
  • Departmental Rooms or Web-based


  • Investigate all HAL 'with' notes as it will group unrelated classes that need to be added manually to the RTBS
  • all classes requesting RLM 7.114 and RLM 7.116/special rooms
  • All 'w' and 'B2B' TL notes (NOT HAL 'with' notes).
  • HAL 'with' note on a <GPC building><blank>: Special handling if RTBS CL not same as CM CL and not actual XL.
  • <GPC Building><Blank>, but HAL 'with' note, first verify relationship in CM then add line for 'with' section if not actual XL
  • SchDept (schedule in conflict with dept control time) TL notes
    • CH classes that conflict with standing reservations in WEL 2.122
    • Education classes in SZB 104, 380
    • Pharmacy classes in PHR 2.116
    • C S classes in GDC 1.304, 5.302, 4.304, 2.216


  • If the room shows up in a RSS search it is available (be careful in summer due to different sessions)
    • In RSS a checked 'Don't chart' box means NOT CHARTED. Unchecked means CHARTED
    • Class Manager will say there are conflicts with events that are not charted. Manually override conflict after verifying chart status
  • Make changes in Class Manager, verify it says 'charted' in log notes. Then verify charted in RSS
    • Make sure to move classes from HOME sections
    • Make sure to move all related sections
  • Some scheduling guidelines:
    • Use GPC Assignment Methodology as a guide
    • Do not schedule any class in RLM 7.114, 7.116, PHR 2.116 unless specifically asked
    • Do no schedule Math in SZB 104
    • Schedule ASL as close to 2x closing limit as possible without exceeding


  • If GPC listed on RTBS, check RSS to see who was assigned room
  • Schedule in chunks, i.e. schedule MWF 8-9AM as a whole
    • It can be helpful to search a range of room sizes in room scheduling to see how many rooms you have to work with
    • Schedule standard timelines before non-standard
    • Schedule from largest to smallest
  • Look for any timeline notes, i.e. 'B2B, req GPC, sch w/' and honor requests as closely as possible.
    • If special requests are made, department must provide academic/pedagogical need i.e. ADA
  • Search RSS for a GPC and apply available room in Class Manager
    • Leave log note 'CSP RTBS Lectures' or 'CSP RTBS Discussions'
  • Write in the new room on the RTBS report and add the capacity next to the total close
  • Check off scheduled class on the left
  • If you bump a GPC from a room make sure to write in the bumped class into the appropriate section of RTBS
  • If there is no right size room available you can slightly lower the closing limit to fit the class into an available room. However, use discretion and make sure to leave a log note 'CSP Closing limit lowered from # to schedule GPC'. Write in the new closing limit on the RTBS report.

Double Checking

  • Making sure a room is charted:
    • Check log in CM for 'RS charted via CM' and spot check course relations to verify all sections moved
    • RSS: 1) check graphical view for green 2) Check semester long events 3) Click unique/CSN and verify 'Don't chart' box is unchecked
    • For summer: 1) There is a graphical for 1st and 2nd session 2) First and second session classes are not conflicts as dates will never overlap
  • Common issues: 1) Class not in GPC written down in RTBS report 2) Class in non-GPC 3) Class in partial control 4) GPC >50% of CL 5) TL notes note honored. For most of these issues ask the teammate who scheduled those pages.