A) Questions with ngs data? - http://seqanswers.com/
B) Great list of NGS Educational resources : NGS Course Resources
C) Two coursera specializations which are EXCELLENT:
Genomic data science: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/genomic-data-science
Bioinformatics : https://www.coursera.org/specializations/bioinformatics
D) R and python interactive tutorial (highly recommend, but there is a small charge): https://www.datacamp.com/tracks/r-programmer
E) BioIteam wiki - this wiki we are in now. Lots of tool documentation, informations about pipelines and scripts we've written that are available to the community etc.
F) Bioinformatics Consulting Group- We are in FNT 1st floor. Come stop by anytime for free consultations on all things bioinformatics.
G) Unix/Bash tutorials: https://ryanstutorials.net/linuxtutorial/ https://ryanstutorials.net/bash-scripting-tutorial/
H) My recommendations for QC cutoffs with traditional RNA-seq data: