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  • Melanie CofieldPaloma Graciani-Picardo

  • Paloma 

  • Katie 
  • Yogita
  • Elliot 
  • Brenna


  • Michael




Introduction, agenda reviewMelanie
  • Melanie facilitating, Paloma taking notes
  • Summarizing where we left off, action items from last meeting
    • Today focus on tasks for the workshop planning and dividing the tasks among volunteers
    • A spreadsheet with tasks already parsed out, was shared last week for everyone to review
    • Melanie and Kathie met up to discuss a documentation repository
Announcements, housekeepingMelanie, all
  • Michael has sent his regrets, and already volunteered for some of the activities
Feedback on workshop format preferences (2 sessions same-day or across 2 days)Melanie and Stacy
  • Stacy has been querying across cataloging and acquisitions areas at UT Libraries
  • So far the feedback shows that people prefer the workshop session to NOT be on the same day, but no specification whether it should be on the same week or different weeks
  • Melanie has also distributed a brief survey and the only response indicates preference for different days in the same week
  • Katie – Would like same week to keep the momentum, but it is more likely that she would have time to block on different weeks than the same week
  • Melanie – Because when we are thinking to schedule it is between terms (Dec, Jan.), it might be that more people has time
  • Elliot - good arguments for any of the two
  • On the tasks spreadsheet there is a role defined for this question, so whoever volunteers can come up with a recommendation
Review new planning document

Discuss & assign ownership of tasks and workshop sections
  • Pre & post workshop tasks (SHEET 2)
    •  Katie has added her name to a few, with a plus, so other people can join to that
    • Taking ownership of tasks in pairs is a good approach!
    • Elliot – adding line for the post tasks, about archiving and providing access to the workshop documentation for the future
      • Potential to take over the documentation and adapting it for the TDL community (even TCDL 2023 session proposal)
    • All tasks now have some ownership. Next steps → between now and our next sessions, the individuals that signed up as task owner will work on the task and report back to the group during our October meeting
    • Katie – adding a column for deadlines
    • Paloma – Would be good to have a meeting to discuss datasets among the task owners
    • Question from the spreadsheet – should this be set up as a Zoom registration form instead of as a Google form?
      • Zoom allows for custom questions, though not as much functionality as google forms
      • Drawback from zoom is that only the zoom owner has access to the data
        • Elliot – what they do at TDL, they normally copy that info form the zoom registration form to a google sheet so other people have access
      • Decision – If access to Zoom info is restricted, Google form in shared group workspace might be better.
    • Meeting vs. webinar
      • General preference to do a meeting (breakout rooms, build community of practice)
    • Melanie – need to add a pre workshop one – run through
  • Workshop sections (SHEET 1)
    • Ellliot – assuming that we are asking participants to do some work in advance (create wikidata account, join the dashboard), we probably still need to account for those that have not doin it. Should we provide a breakout room for to provide support if anyone needs technical support?
      • Good idea
    • Is everyone planning to present, or is there people that don't feel comfortable with presenting the workshop, thought still want to  
      • Could have multiple owners and decide afterwards who does the presentation

Dataset refinement update

Katie, Yogita, Elliot, Paloma
  • Spreadsheet in progress
  • Focusing on people only (not topics or organizations)
  • Progress report - How's it going with programmatic approach, in select categories (e.g. Women, Museum/Libs/Archives) across HoT projects, using TIDs provided by HoT to hone dataset?
    • Divided in different tabs according to topics
    • Pull out anything that is not a person item
  • Set up dataset specific meeting after October 21st
  • Yogita - is there documentation that can be used by ourselves to learn more about the data model? 
    • We have compiled documentation for developing workshops that include introductions to the data model. See resources section on this meeting agenda - 2022-04-27
Proposal for migrating Group shared workspace from current Google DriveMelanie & Katie
  • Not much content to migrate, whew!
  • Move to shared folder in an individual’s drive - personal vs business UTMail, UTL staff vs. others, vs owner
  • Archive/backup content in UTBox (renamed existing folder) - move finalized/archival content from Google folder to UTBox annually
  • Videos stored in UTBox only, for space economy
Discuss next steps, need for another working meeting in 2 weeks? Melanie, all
  • Create an email thread with just task owners to continue an asynchronous discussion without cluttering ld-learning list

Action items

  •  Start an email thread for workshop preparation discussion outside of the ut-list (Melanie / Paloma)
  •  add itemsReview the Workshop sections (SHEET 1) and add your name to areas you want to work on (all)
  •  Finalize adding deadlines toPre & post workshop tasks (SHEET 2) (all)