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Write work file for all HAL Auto Scheduling
NRJGHAL2: NRNW018B – Writes dataset from 18A that all subsequent HAL processes will use to schedule rooms. (Note: Subsequent jobs will NOT run properly if NRNW018B does not run first)
AutoSchedule GPCs
NRJGHAL3: NRNW018C – Schedules lectures (Lectures defined as: Classes scheduled with TL (1,2, AND/OR 3) =>2hrs.) Schedules Home and Master uniques only.
DO NOT SELECT RADIO BUTTON for Lecture run-defaults to Lectures!
Input: CCYYS ONLY. Already defaults to 'No' for Nondiscussions/lectures (first priority TLs), 'Yes' for Discussions/Labs (second priority TLs). 'No' for this submission.
NRJGHAL5: NRNW018D – Report 'Remaining to be Scheduled'. (Need print and ecopy.)
Input: 'No' for Nondiscussions/lectures (first priority TLs), 'Yes' for Discussions/Labs (second priority TLs). 'No' for this submission.
NRJGHAL6: NRNW018E – Report Potential Bumpees. (Need print and ecopy.)
AFTER Reports: (Added pww 5.31.17)
NRJGSWCN- Re-set cancel switch from D to A so HAL now that finished running HAL reports)
ONLY IF OBLIT ran: Data Capture after running HAL Lectures
NRNWCMD1: run All Sections (via CM), then move output sent to your austin disk account to the scheduling output folder for the CCYYS at \\\disk\reg\scheduling , Re-name the file 'allsections_{CCYYS}_{mmddyy}_HALPreLecRTBS.' A copy should be placed in the All Sections folder for the CCYYS on the course scheduling server, as well at \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\2. Production Phases\All Sections Reports
2nd Run: Discussions/Labs
Data Capture before running  

Hal Discussions/Labs
NRNWCMD1: run All Sections (via CM)
Building Reports
Run Building reports for all buildings in TXTASK Job Name: RGJGSCH5. Name and file appropriately.
Added pww 5.31.17 Consider Re-Write work file for all HAL Auto Scheduling
NRJGHAL2: NRNW018B – Writes dataset from 18A that all subsequent HAL processes will use to schedule rooms. (Note: Subsequent jobs will NOT run properly if NRNW018B does not run first)
NRJGSWCN- Change cancel switch from A to D so HAL will recognize classes as marked for deletion (must re-set all back to 'A' when finished running HAL reports)
AutoSchedule GPCs
NRJGHAL3: NRNW018C – Schedules Discussions (Discussions defined as: All TLs <3 hrs) Schedules Home and Master uniques only.
Input: 'No' for Nondiscussions/lectures (first priority TLs), 'Yes' for Discussions/Labs (second priority TLs). 'Yes' for this submission.
NRJGHAL5: NRNW018D – Report 'Remaining to be Scheduled'. (Need print and ecopy.)
Input: 'No' for Nondiscussions/lectures (first priority TLs), 'Yes' for Discussions/Labs (second priority TLs). 'Yes' for this submission.
NRJGHAL6: NRNW018E – Report Potential Bumpees. (Need print and ecopy.)
AFTER Reports: (Added pww 5.31.17)
NRJGSWCN- Re-set cancel switch from D to A so HAL now that finished running HAL reports)
Data Capture after running HAL Discussions/Labs (Prior to RTBS)
NRNWCMD1: run All Sections (via CM), then move output sent to your austin disk account to the scheduling output folder for the CCYYS at \\\disk\reg\scheduling , Re-name the file 'allsections_{CCYYS}_{mmddyy}_HALPreDiscRTBS.' A copy should be placed in the All Sections folder for the CCYYS on the course scheduling server, as well at \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\2. Production Phases\All Sections Reports
Building Reports
Run Building reports for all buildings in TXTASK Job Name: RGJGSCH5.
3rd Run (Final HAL step) Servants follow Masters (changed 166)
Data Capture before running HAL Servants follow Masters
Building Reports
Run Building reports for all buildings in TXTASK Job Name: RGJGSCH5.
NRNWCMD1: run All Sections (via CM), then move output sent to your austin disk account to the scheduling output folder for the CCYYS at \\\disk\reg\scheduling , Re-name the file 'allsections_{YYS}_{mmddyy}_Pre-18G.' A copy should be placed in the All Sections folder for the CCYYS on the course scheduling server, as well at \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\2. Production Phases\All Sections Reports.
Write work file for all HAL Auto Scheduling
NRJGHAL2: NRNW018B – Writes dataset from 18A that all subsequent HAL processes will use to schedule rooms. (Note: Subsequent jobs will NOT run properly if NRNW018B does not run first)
Find crosslistings by TL and update XL TL to match Master Unique TL on F60
NRJGHAL4: NRNW018G – Update TLS for servants on 60 to match Master/Hm TL and writes reports. (Need print and ecopy.)
Data Capture after completing HAL Servants follow Masters
Building Reports
Run Building reports for all buildings in TXTASK Job Name: RGJGSCH5.
NRNWCMD1: run All Sections (via CM), then move output sent to your austin disk account to the scheduling output folder for the CCYYS at \\\disk\reg\scheduling , Re-name the file 'allsections_{YYS}_{mmddyy}_Final'. A copy should be placed in the All Sections folder for the CCYYS on the course scheduling server, as well at \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\2. Production Phases\All Sections Reports.
NRJGCRL1 - Establishes cross-listing relationships on a separate file: creates inventory- same-as and multi-section cross-listings based on classes having same timeline: it only adds new relationships and never deletes or changes existing cross-listings. (Update Input = 'Y'.) Job: NRNWCRL1.
If re-running RTBS/Bumpees (NRNWHAL5/6):(Added pww 5.31.17)
NRJGSWCN- Change cancel switch from A to D so HAL will recognize classes as marked for deletion (must re-set all back to 'A' when finished running HAL reports)
Post-HAL processing
NRJGCMCF- Run conflicts report prior to unload/reload to catch conflicts as unload/reload will chart everything.
NRJGRSS-Unload/Reload RSS
(Done as part of Unload/Reload) Reports: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Unload-Reload RSS.docx Unload & Reload RSS For Events & For Classes
NRJGCMCF- Room conflicts report.
*TXTASK, RGJGFINX, NRJG153A - Instructors of meets-with/same-as courses not on NROPHOME table. Job: NRNW0153A.
*TXTASK, RGJGSCH3, NRJGCFWI - 'Meets With' or 'Same As' report with fees and Home Instructor. Job: NRNWCFWI.
NRJGCRJ3 (Diff TL Errors) - Report of classes still cross-listed but not in same timeline. Job: NRNWCRJ3
NRJGCRJ4 (Missing XL Counters) - Report of classes in same timeline but not cross-listed. Job: NRNWCRJ4
NRJG018L - Print report of closing limit problems. Job: NRNW018L
*TXTASK, RGJGSCH3, RGNWBADT – Check for Bad or impossible meeting times.
NRNWCMD1 (All Sections-submit via CM) – Incomplete Sections, program codes, room numbers that should be GPCs (typos), check classes assigned to RLM 7.114, RLM 7.116, and PHR 2.116 (these are non-standard classrooms)
Functional Post-HAL steps:
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\Manual Scheduling - RTBS\Post-HAL Cleanup\Post-HAL Processing.docx HAL Jobs
Allocation Checks and adjustments
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\2. Production Phases\Allocation-process\Allocation Instructions & Methodology.docx
Data Capture
NRNWCMD1: run All Sections (via CM), then move output sent to your austin disk account to the scheduling output folder for the CCYYS at \\\disk\reg\scheduling , Re-name the file 'allsections_{YYS}_{mmddyy}_HALPostAll'. A copy should be placed in the All Sections folder for the CCYYS on the course scheduling server, as well at \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\2. Production Phases\All Sections Reports.

Reminder Reg IT staff to ensure this is set up: NRNWCRL2: Store obvious XLs for ISA & MS
