Unload & Reload RSS For Events & For Classes

NRJGRSS - First three jobs unload/reload RSS for events. Second three jobs unload/reload RSS for classes. Dataset name will be one of three choices:
RG.LIBo3(STTD1573)-Fall Semesters
RG.LIBo3(STTD1572)-Spring Semesters
RG.LIBo3(STTD1574)-Summer Semesters
NRNW0182 - Wipe out all EVENTS on GPC event file by date.
NRNW0185 - Wipe out all GPC chart records for EVENTS by date.
NRNW018R - Load and chart all EVENTS by date by copying dataset reservations (KEY=RESERVATION NUMBER). Specify RG.LIBo3(STTD1572/3/4)
NRNW018S - Wipe out all CLASS info on event file. (KEY=UNIQUE)
NRNW0186 - Wipe out all room charts for GPC CLASSES. (KEY=UNIQUE)
NRNW0187 - Load all CLASSES and chart all classes in GPCs. (KEY=UNIQUE)
NRJG0291 – Select YES to update room caps. Job:NRNW0291
Reports (if unload/reload post HAL – will do these as a part of the Post-HAL documentation)
NRJG0188 NRJGCMCF- Room conflicts report.
*TXTASK, RGJGFINX, NRJG153A - Instructors of meets-with/same-as courses not on NROPHOME table. Job: NRNW0153A.
*TXTASK, RGJGSCH3, NRJGCFWI - 'Meets With' or 'Same As' report with fees and Home Instructor. Job: NRNWCFWI.
*TXTASK, RGJGSCH3, RGNWBADT – Check for Bad or impossible meeting times.
NRJGCRJ3 (Diff TL Errors) - Report of classes still cross-listed but not in same timeline. Job: NRNWCRJ3
NRJGCRJ4 (Missing XL Classes) - Report of classes in same timeline but not cross-listed. Job: NRNWCRJ4
NRJG018L - Print report of closing limit problems. Job: NRNW018L
NRNWCMD1 (All Sections-submit via CM) – program codes, room numbers that should be GPCs
Incomplete Sections (submit via CM) – Check for classes that do not pass audit check
NRJGCSRM – Finds rooms that are not charted in RSS (ask programmers to run job)