Searching for Constituents in Altru

Finding members in Altru can be tricky. Below are a few guidelines specific to Altru that might be helpful when searching for patrons.

When you’re in a rush, typing exactly the correct spelling of a name can be difficult, or the Member might be in Altru under a nickname or other odd format. Unless you’ve selected Include Fuzzy Search in your search parameters, Altru will not find a person if you make even a minor spelling mistake. This can cause problems when it comes to nicknames, middle names, and hyphenated or double last names, so when it’s time to search, start with what you know.

Altru lets you search for names in two ways:

  • First name, Middle name, Last name (ex. Mary Jane Doe)
  • Last name, First name, Middle name (ex. Doe, Mary Jane)

If you are sure of the last name’s spelling, start with that, then add a comma and type as much of the first name as you know is correct. For example, Mary Jane Doe comes up to the desk. Mary Jane could be in Altru as a double first name, or Jane could be entered in the middle name field. She might be in Altru as Mary J. Doe. There is no way of knowing, and we don’t want to keep her waiting while you try every scenario. Leaving out the middle name is usually the easiest way to search. In this situation, start with what you know. You know her last name is Doe, so begin with that. Here are a couple ways you could try:

  • Doe, M
  • Doe, Ma

Or, if you know for sure she’s in Altru as a double first named Mary Jane but don’t know how her last name is spelled, you could try searching this way:

  • Mary Jane D
  • Mary Jane Do

Try searching this way if someone doesn’t come up immediately. Altru lets you search without completing a name, as long as everything up until that point is correct. The Member could have been in Altru as M.J. Doe, M. J. Doe, or Mary J. Doe, and if you typed Mary Jane Doe, it would not find her without the Fuzzy Search.

Not being able to find a Member can be frustrating, but just remember to take your time and smile. It gets easier with practice!