Room Scheduling
Login access to ArtsVision is limited to College of Fine Arts majors (both undergraduate and graduate). Room reservation requests by UT students from other departments should be sent to
Using ArtsVision to request a classroom or performance hall
Logging into ArtsVision
- Login URL:
(bookmarking this link is recommended!) - With very few exceptions, your username will be your UT EID.
- The first time you log in, your password will also be your UT EID. You will be prompted to change your password immediately.
Should you have any issues logging into ArtsVision using these instructions, please contact
Calendar Tab
Under the Calendar tab, you will find monthly and weekly filtered calendar of major Butler School events such as concerts, master classes, recitals, auditions, etc... — all at a glance — without having to browse the web calendar.
Note: These calendars are not easily scrollable using a tablet or mobile device.
Room Request Tab
To request a room with your tablet or mobile device: You can click on the room number you are interested in reserving and fill in the necessary details.
To request a room using your computer: This works like a Google Calendar. Simply click on the start time within the room column you want to reserve, drag to the end time, and then fill in the necessary details.
Room availability and confirmation: You will only be able to request time slots that are not already occupied; blocks of unavailable time will simply say “Not Available.” After you’ve submitted your request, you'll receive a confirmation email from the Scheduling office stating that your request has been approved or denied.
To see which rooms are best suited for different purposes…. such as chamber rehearsal rooms, large rehearsal rooms, classrooms, or rooms with grand pianos, go to the top left corner of the Room Request screen, and you can change your view of rooms based on your desired function.
Scheduling Policies and Procedures
- You may reserve a space no more than two weeks before your requested date. Also, you must request rooms at least 24 business hours before your requested date. ArtsVision is set up to maintain these boundaries when you use the Room Request tool, though you will be able to browse space availability farther into the future. If you are requesting a space for a Saturday or Sunday, please put in your request by the Thursday evening prior to ensure confirmation.
- You may not use any classroom or performance hall without receiving approval from the scheduling office.
- Use of the Jazz Room, Early Music Room, Percussion Studio and Band Hall requires special permission from faculty. Therefore, a confirmation for these rooms may take longer than other other spaces.
- Requests for performance hall time should be limited to dress rehearsals for an upcoming recital or event and recording sessions. Please be reasonable when requesting recording time in the halls (i.e. do not ask for 5 hour blocks of time or 4 separate sessions).The scheduling office will not approve any requests for recording in November, December while classes are in session, or after Spring Break while classes are in session – we protect hall time for degree recital dress rehearsals during those busy months.
- Some classrooms present sound bleed issues.
a) Please do not request MRH 2.604 or 2.610 for any musical rehearsal. These rooms bleed sound into the Recital Studio, which can negatively impact performances, recordings and studio classes; they are best for review sessions, lectures or meetings.
b) MRH M3.113 and M3.114 are side by side and have sound bleed into one another. The scheduling office will not approve requests for a musical rehearsal when there is an academic class taking place next door.
- Under the “My Requests” tab, you’ll be able to view your requests and their status, whether approved or denied.
- For reservations further into the future, such as dress rehearsals, big student group events, you may email Page Stephens or Sonja Larson at
Getting access to reserved rooms
Spaces in MRH
Generally, rooms will be unlocked prior to your reservation. On the rare occasion that a room is locked or you are using a room that requires special permission, you can go to the Music Service Center; if a Building Monitor is on duty, they can unlock rooms for you, or your can check out a key from them.
Jessen Auditorium
We do not check out keys to Jessen Auditorium. There is a keypad on the backstage door – the code is changed weekly. The scheduling office will send an email to anyone with a reservation in Jessen Auditorium on the Monday morning of the week of your reservation with the backstage door code (and a few housekeeping instructions).