Virtual Network Computing/VNC/TurboVNC on the DGS Unix machines
Virtual Network Computing/VNC/TurboVNC on the DGS Unix machines
- Talk to the IT Staff or Tom Hess to have access granted
- Start VNC on a unix machine
- Login to a unix machine (for example seismicX)
- Run “startvnc” from the command line in a terminal
- You will receive the message "You are using Display:YY . Tunnel port 59YY from your local machine to this machine"
- This session will stay up until you run "killvnc" or the machine is rebooted.
- Setup port forwarding from your machine to the Unix machine from #2 above.
- Download and install Putty or another SSH client with port forwarding capability
- Create a putty connection to seismicX where X is the host you chose to start your session on
- Set Hostname is seismicX.geo.utexas.edu
- Session Name is SeismicX
- Click Save
- Configure SSH client (Putty) to forward localport 5900 to the remote machine.
- Without closing the putty window above, select Connection/SSH/Tunnels
- Source Port: 5900
- Destination: (where YY was the port number you were assigned in Step 2c).
- Local
- Auto
- Click "Add"
- Without closing the putty window above, select Connection/SSH/Tunnels
- Now Go back to the Sessions and click "Save" again. You should now have saved a connection with a tunnel setup.
- Go ahead an open the connection and login with your EID/password you'll need the tunnel.
- Install and run TurboVNC
- Install TurboVNC
- Ensure you are logged into the remote host using an ssh client with port forwarding (we just did this)
- Run the TurboVNC Viewer
- For the server just enter "localhost"
- You should now be prompted for your EID/password and logged into your VNC session. This VNC session will last until you kill it with killvnc or the machine is rebooted.
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