URAs and GRAs Tracking of Task Progress

  • Here we discuss two elements related to task tracking

    • Teams chats that are independent

    • The Current_Tasks Sheet in Smartsheet, linked below

Checking-in and out of lab

  • If you are working at-a-distance (live in a different country for example), ensure you send us a message saying you are checking-in and out of your lab time! 

    • We will establish a “chat” on Teams where you can do this

Documentation at the end of your time in lab each day

  • At the end of EACH time you are in lab, take a few minutes to write a message about the tasks you worked on to indicate the current status of where you left off and what you accomplished.

  • It's important to indicate specifically and directly, if you will have nothing to do the next time you are in lab via your chat.

  • Lastly, copy and paste your updates that you included in the Current_Tasks sheet into your separate supervisor chat so they are sure to see it! 

  • Is this Current_Tasks Sheet new to you? Here is a quick walk through of how to use it! 

