Kinematic Analysis - Group 14


The goal of this mechanism is to create a crank-mechanism that primarily rocks in xy-plane, but has the ability to jump in the z direction.

Mobility Calculations:

M = 3(L-1) - 2J1 - J2 (Gruebler's Equation)

M = 3(4-1) - (2*4) - 0

M = 9 - 8

M = 1

3D Output Path

This is the target output path for the crank rocker in the z direction. This will be achieved using a cam. 

Kinematic Analysis and Plots

Angular Output

Position on the XY Plane

The end of link 4 (the desired output link) makes a full arc in a negative parabolic shape. The cat wand toy will be attached to the end of link 4, making it also follow a parabolic motion.

Linear Velocity

As you can see in this figure, Link 4 and Link 3 both have a wave-like velocity profiles. Link 3 hits its max velocity 4 times per rotation and is less uniform while Link 4 moves faster and hits its max velocity 2 times per rotation.

Angular Acceleration

Force Profile

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