GL Errors Glossary

When reviewing the GL Errors Report, or the GL Errors Tableau Dashboard, please keep in mind that these definitions are from the FAMIS point of view.  Transactions that happen in FAMIS are referring to what it knows is the account number.

Bad Credit Account - This means that the account number associated with the Credit Account (ex:  Crew Credit account, Part Credit account) is expired in FAMIS (acct_segment1 table).  To fix the problem, we must identify which credit account it is referring to and fix it within the FAMIS application.  Bad Credit Accounts are rare and they have to be fixed by someone in TRECS.

Bad Debit Account - This means that the account number associated with the Debit Account (ex:  work order) is expired in FAMIS (acct_segment1 table).  To fix the problem, the department must either verify that the account is still active in FAMIS:

Or the work order requires a new account number to bill the charges.  BFS CAN override the expiration date to push the charges through if there is an error on the FAMIS side by entering 12/30/9999 as the expiration date.  Only BFS has the ability to do this.

Null Credit Account - This means that there is an account missing on the Part or Equipment number associated with that work order.  This is usually on oversight by entering the wrong warehouse on an issue (which has to be fixed by TRECS), or simply not entering the account number when adding a part or equipment.  

Null Debit Account - This means that the account for the work order is missing.  This rarely happens as well, but if the user is creating work orders manually for PMs and not using the PM Scheduler, the account number associated with the equipment will not be filled in on the work order. Â