Description [Indigenous]

MODS Element: abstract

Element DefinitionA summary of the content of the collection.
AILLA Definition A detailed summary in an Indigenous language of the content of the collection, including collection dates, funders and grant numbers, and other contextual information.
Form option

 Description / Descripción = free text field

Language / Idioma = autosuggest drop down text field menu

Form Required?Recommended (if origin language is not English or Spanish)
AILLA Required?Recommended (if origin language is not English or Spanish)
Subelement/Attribute NameDefinition/DescriptionExamplesXPath SyntaxDublin Core
Display labelDefines the text that is used to display near the text when displayed on Collection page on AILLA siteCollection description  (Indigenous language)mods:abstract[@displayLabel="Collection description (Indigenous language)"]

to be added


Specifies language using iso639-3

Choosing the name from the autosuggest drop down text field menu will fill in the “?” in the @lang attribute with the correct iso639-3 character code



to be added
<abstract displayLabel="Collection description (Indigenous language)" lang="maya">Indigenous Description</abstract>