Name (English)

MADS Element: authority

Element DefinitionA container that includes a standardized "authoritative" form of an agent (person or organization), an event, a title, or a term (topic, genre, geographic).
AILLA Definition

The English short name for this country.

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Map from existingcountry_name
Subelement/Attribute NameDefinition/DescriptionExamplesXPath SyntaxDublin Core



Supplies the authoritative names of geographic entities mads:authority/mads:geographicto be added
LanguageDefines the name of the language with the correct iso3166 character codeengmads:geographic[@lang="eng"]to be added
AuthoritySupplies the name of the authoritative list used for the controlled vocabulary/valuesiso3166-1mads:geographic[@authority="iso3166-1"]to be added


    <geographic lang="eng" authority="iso3166-1">Venezuela</geographic>
