Adding a profile to Meet Our Students

  1. Create two images for each student. One sized at 180 x 180px; the other size will be larger and either float left of the article or span the width of the article. Size accordingly.
  2. Using the Media Manager, navigate to the folder "stories", then look for the folder "student_profiles." Upload the two images here.
  3. Create a new article with the student's name as the title.
  4. From the Category drop down menu on the right, choose Meet Our Students.
  5. In the editor window, begin by entering the major for the student. "Major" should be labeled as Heading 3 from the format drop down menu. "Aerospace Engineering" or "Computational Engineering" should be labeled as Paragraphs from the format drop down menu. Then click return so the cursor is on another line.
  6. Add a Read More by clicking on the Read More button below the editor window.
  7. Enter the rest of the article text. The questions should be labeled as Heading 3. The answers should be Paragraphs.
  8. When finished adding the content, click on the "Images and links" tab.
  9. In the Intro Image section, select the small thumbnail version of the student's photo. Add Alt Text (ex: photo of Jane Doe). This image will appear on the landing page for Meet Our Students. The Intro Image float does not need to change–it should say Use Global (Right).
  10. In the Full Article Image section, select the larger version of the student's photo. Add Alt Text. This image will appear in the article view.
    1. If the large image is vertically oriented and needs to float left of the article, choose Left from the Image Float drop down.
    2. Otherwise choose None.
  11. Click on the Options tab. Change Show Title to Show.
  12. Preview your article to see that everything is correct. Ignore the horizontal line under the image as it will not show up on the live site.
  13. Save and close the article.
  14. Use the Search Tools to sort by Category - Meet Our Students. Set the sort to Ordering Ascending.
  15. Drag and drop the new article to its proper alphabetical placement.
  16. Make sure to unpublish any articles in this category that should no longer be visible on the site.