Connecting to the Stat Apps Server

Connecting to the Stat Apps Server

The Stat Apps Server (also called WinCompute) gives UT Austin students, faculty, and staff access to a Windows remote desktop with statistical and mathematical software. Permission does not need to be granted to access the server; anyone with an active EID can connect.


Software Included

HLM, Mathematica, Matlab, Mplus, SAS, Stata, R & R Studio, Microsoft Office Suite

Guidelines for using the Stat Apps Server

  • Do not store critical files on your Stat Apps Server profile, as they are not saved long-term.  You can download files from UT Box, Dropbox, an e-mail account, etc. to access on the server.  You can also share local drives from your computer through the remote desktop connection and access files that way.
  • The Stat Apps Server does not meet the requirements for storing Category-I data.  Do not store Category-I data on your profile on the server.
  • There are a limited number of seats on the server, with an even more limited number of licenses for some software.  Please be aware that users may not have access to all software at all times.
  • The Stat Apps Server is intended for short-duration personal projects or for trying out a new software package prior to purchasing.  We do not recommend using the Stat Apps Server for work related to dissertations, theses, publications, or time-sensitive projects. We cannot guarantee that the Stat Apps Server will always be available, and access may be limited.

Getting Connected


 Connect for the first time

You'll need the Microsoft Remote Desktop app, free in the Apple App Store.

  1. Open the Microsoft Remote Desktop app.
  2. Click "Don't Allow" or "OK" if asked for Camera and Microphone permissions.

  3. Click on the symbol with three dots in a circle and click "Import from RDP file..."

  4. Navigate to the downloads folder
  5. Select the wincompute.rdp file downloaded from the Prerequisite list and click "Import"

  1. Double-click on the wincompute window and input the following when asked:

    1. Username: austin\yourEID (IMPORTANT: Be sure you are using the correct slash, it should be a backslash "\" and will not work with a forwardslash.)
    2. Password: Your EID password

  2. Click "Continue"
  3. After clicking "Continue" you will receive a DUO push notification sent to your primary DUO device. Accept the DUO push to proceed.
  4. You're done! You should now be connected to wincompute.


 Connect for the first time
  1. Store the wincompute.rdp file in a convenient and easy-to-reach location.
  2. Launch the wincompute.rdp file by double-clicking it.

  3. On the alert pop-up, check the box that says, "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer"

  4. Click on "Connect"
  5. Under the "Enter your credentials" window, enter the following and substitute "EID" with your EID:
    1. Username: austin\yourEID (IMPORTANT: Be sure you are using the correct slash; it should be a backslash "\" and will not work with a forwardslash.)
    2. Password: Your EID password

  6. Click OK.
  7. You will now be receiving a DUO notification to your phone. You must accept the DUO authentication to finish connecting.
  8. You're done! You should now be connected to wincompute.


 I never receive a Duo push notification/Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer "wincompute.cns.utexas.edu"

Please check the following:

Your username to connect is using the correct slash. It should be "austin\yourEID", NOT "austin/yourEID"

If you do not have DUO enabled, or to check if you have DUO enabled, please follow the steps below.

1. On a computer, go to https://mfa.login.utexas.edu/
2. Log in with your EID and Password
- When you are prompted to authenticate, select 'other options' below the prompt.
- If you are experiencing an authentication loop, please try these steps in a private browser/ incognito window or after clearing your cached files.
3. Next click 'Manage Devices' at the bottom of the list.
4. Choose an authentication method (Because Duo Mobile is not paired you will need to select 'Phone Call')
5. Once the page reloads after authentication, select 'I have a new phone'
6. Select the 'Get Started' button and proceed
7. Ensure the Duo app is installed from your devices App Store and click 'next'
8. You will then have the option to scan the QR code by selecting the '+' in the Duo app or alternatively sending an activation via email using the 'Get an activation link instead' button.

Connecting to Stat Apps will authenticate with DUO using your default device. If you have an old phone still connected to DUO, it may be trying to reach that as the default. Please check your connected devices by following the instructions below.

Go to this page: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/apps/duo/register/
1. Do not go through the authentication, and click "Other options" instead.
2. Select "Manage devices"
3. Authenticate through DUO with your desired method
4. It should bring you to a "Devices" page, please make sure you have your current phone as the main device.


 Having issues accessing the start menu or search functions?

Your profile will need to be reset. Please create a ticket with CNS IT using our form and the Request Type "Reporting Wincompute issues" and mention you are having user profile issues.

 Can't save any files?

Please create a ticket with CNS IT using our form and the Request Type "Reporting Wincompute issues" and mention you are having issues saving a file and the path of the location you are trying to save to.

Need further assistance?

Create a ticket with CNS IT using our form and the Request Type "Reporting Wincompute issues". 

If you are having issues while following the instructions, please let us know at which step you have trouble and any error messages that you are getting.

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