Davinci Resolve Export .aaf to AVID - Color Correction Round Trip opening Color Corrected Files into AVID Workflow


The go to the Deliver tab

Choose to Render the Entire Timeline

Click on Render Settings>

and use the slider to navigate to the AVID AAF tab

Click on Browse to select the hard drive and folder you want to render to

Navigate to the hard drive and you can choose to Add a new folder 

Name the export 

Then choose Save

Choose to Render at Source Resolution

Choose the Codec DNxHR 

this is recommended if you choose 4:4:4 or higher 

If you choose to Use Constant Bit Rate the file size will be larger 

and better quality but will take longer

Click on Advanced Settings

At the bottom of the list look for frame handles

Add 15 to 20 frames of handles

Click on the Audio tab

Check the box for "Export Audio" if you want to export Audio but generally you will not export Audio

Click on Add to Render Queue
Choose to Render All

Job has completed.

The files need to be added to AVID MediFiles Folder

Quit Resolve>Save the project. Make a backup of the project and save it for the final color correction

and conform.

See this workflow for making a backup.

DaVinci Resolve - How to Relink Offline Media from a Exported Project

Put the Color Corrected files from Resolve into your AVID Project.
Open the exported Resolve files. There will be ONE .aaf file and several .mxf files.
This example is short - most projects will have a lot more .mxf files.

AVID reads media from the Avid MediaFiles folder on the root level of the hard drive.

The .mxf files exported from Davinci Resolve must be moved to this folder. See example below.

Copy or Move the .mxf files to the AVID MediaFiles>MXF>1 folder

If you are working off the Nexis Shared Storage Server it's different where you put the media.

The .mxf files from Resolve must go into the following folder

AVID MediaFiles > MXF > COMM-AXXXXX name of the computer you are working 

Put the files exported out of Resolve into this folder

After the files are moved to the appropriate Avid MediaFiles

>MXF> folder on the hard drive or the Shared Storage Server (Nexis) open the AVID Project or make a new one.

Launch AVIDMediaComposer

Open your project

Make sure your project window is open

>Tools >Project

Make a New Bin

Title the new bin "Color Corrected Footage"

Go to >File>Input>Import Media

Navigate to the .aaf file in the Resolve exported media folder and select it.

Choose Open

The file will come in and a timeline will be created along with some Master Clips in the AVID bin.

The media in the newly created timeline should automatically relink to the .mxf files exported from resolve.

If the files don't link double check the workflow explained in this document. Make sure you put the .mxf files in the right place so AVID will read them.
This last step will remove any previously applied LUTs and random color correction.

Select your timeline in your bin

Go to Clip and choose Refresh Sequence>All

If you have green DOTS or a "S" icon on the clips in your timeline

Read this wiki  Frame Flex - Spacial or Green Dot Fix

AVID Media Composer - Frame Flex - Spacial or Green Dot Fix