How to use Zoom / Hybrid Teaching in a Moody Classroom

How to use Zoom / Hybrid Teaching in a Moody Classroom

Moody Technology Team Help Line at phone: 512-471-1199, email: comm-help@austin.utexas.edu, or via our Ivanti ServiceDesk ticketing system.

Twenty-seven classrooms in the Moody College are outfitted with dual webcams, one at the teaching station facing the instructor and one on the front wall facing the classroom.  Both can be used to conduct and record a Zoom class session with the computer that is built into the AV system for that room

Classrooms vary with the type of audio reinforcement.  Specific instructions for each type are listed below. 

Here's how to get started:

Turn on the computer and AV system in the classroom. 

In all classrooms, turn on the AV system by selecting "computer" on the Crestron touchpanel at the teaching station. 

Most classroom teaching stations are dual-boot Windows and Mac. Choose Macintosh HD and logon with your UT - EID. (Windows Zoom requires individual installation for each user.)

First things first:  Sign on to utexas.zoom.us

(If you've done this already, skip to the Canvas section.)

If you haven't already this year, make sure you have signed on to utexas.zoom.us to activate your Zoom account through the University of Texas.  This allows you to get go beyond the 40 minute restraints of the free Zoom experience and preloads your sessions with security settings designated by The University.  

If you haven't signed into utexas.zoom.us before and configured your account, do so in any web browser. Select the Sign In button.

Follow the UT EID sign in and Duo two factor authentication steps.  If prompted to save passwords by the OS, choose Not Now or Never.

Use Canvas!  Canvas can manage your class schedule and Zoom sessions and set all to be recorded. 

Login to canvas.utexas.edu and go to your courses section and select the course you will be scheduling Zoom classes for.

Click on the Zoom link and click “Schedule a New Meeting”

Set up your meeting how you want with whatever parameters you need.

Near the bottom be sure to click the Record Meeting option and set to record to the


When the time has come to teach your class, login to canvas and go to the course and click the Zoom link.

Click the “Start” button to open zoom and begin recording your class to Canvas.

Zoom will open on the computer and connect you to your scheduled Zoom meeting where your students will be able to join in by going to the canvas page for the class.

You will see in the upper left hand corner of the window that Zoom is recording the meeting.

Once the class has ended, click the End Meeting button in Zoom.

You will receive an email shortly when the video and audio is available on canvas. You can find the recordings under the Cloud Recordings heading under the Zoom section in Canvas.

Zoom and Canvas integration tutorial video