Software Preservation Special Interest Group

The purpose of the Software Special Interest Group would include but not be limited to the following:
  • Collaboration on a comprehensive access strategy for the full range of born-digital formats across cultural repositories on The University of Texas at Austin campus
  • Systematic round-up of older/legacy software on campus colleges and departments on campus before it is destroyed
  • Teasing out issues surrounding the grey area of software (collection material or tool for access of existing born-digital collection material)
  • Collaboration on policies that include software collection and preservation
  • Critical examination of existing frameworks for software preservation - including metadata projects to describe these objects
  • Generating a shared data set about media imaging failure rates and other software-related issues
  • Generating reports that articulate shared concerns over cloud based subscription software and other issues on the horizon that will affect preservation and access to born-digital materials
  • Discussing possible additions to university (sustainability) policy that encourages colleges and departments (IT) to participate in the software round-up/preservation program
  • Sharing ideas, articles, and concerns