Faculty Profiles & Websites

Faculty Profiles & Websites

EDP faculty must review and update all Directory, Profile, and Website information annually at minimum.

UT Directory Contact Information

The UT Directory is the main public source of contact information for UT faculty, staff and students. Therefore it is important that this is up-to-date at all times. 

Send any UT Directory correction requests to the EDP Administrative Manager.

Faculty Profile

Your Faculty Profile is where detailed information about your expertise, projects, publications and background are located. Profiles are viewed most heavily by prospective students, so the emphasis is on research. Profiles are also viewed by current students, faculty, staff and media. It's important faculty have a robust and up-to-date profile.


NEW FACULTY: contact the COE Communications Office to request setup of your Faculty Profile.

Professional Websites

Some faculty choose to also have a professional website. The College of Education recommends using the College of Education website service, as it is free and provides a University template, user-friendly system, and support. Fortunately, setting up a professional website through the COE service is quick and simple! To set up (or move your site to the COE server), contact the Office of Instructional Innovation at oi2@utexas.edu. You can also set up mailing lists via utlists.utexas.edu

Social Media

COE's Office of Communications has guidelines about social media account management for faculty.