Quick Links
- Your Grade Reports by semester are available through UT Direct
- Info about Grade Symbols (via Registrar)
- Graduate School's information about Grades
General Information
For graduate courses within the Department, students may receive the following symbols: letter grades (A-F), credit/no credit (CR/NC), course drop (Q or F), total withdrawal for a semester (W), temporary delay in reporting of the final grade (X), permanent incomplete (I).
Incomplete Grades: When a student fails to complete the required assignments for a particular class, the instructor may elect to give the student a temporary incomplete (X). Students receiving an X in a course must complete the necessary work for the course before the last class day of the subsequent long semester or the X will automatically convert to a permanent incomplete (I) on the student’s record. Students who wish to be employed for an academic appointment (TA, AI, GRA, etc.) may acquire no more than one X and one I, two X’s, or two I’s.
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