SSHG - Connecting with ssh for Linux or Mac
SSHG - Connecting with ssh for Linux or Mac
To use the SSH Gateway from Linux or Mac you will need DuoConnect installed.
For the latest Linux instructions see DuoConnect for SSH Access - Linux Clients
For the latest Macos instructions see DuoConnect for SSH Access - macOS Clients
Configure SSH
Open your ~/.ssh/config file in a text editor. If you don't have this file, create it.
Copy and paste in the DuoConnect connection strings you received from your Duo administrator into the end of your config file.
Here's an example of what the command might look like:
Host server.example.com ProxyCommand duoconnect -host=%h:%p -relay=https://sshg.engr.utexas.edu
Repeat these steps for all SSH servers provided to you by your Duo administrator.
Save the ~/.ssh/config file.
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