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Request Qualtrics survey ownership transfer

HITS does not have Qualtrics administrative privileges, so requests for survey ownership transfer must be submitted via a ticket to central ITS.

Submit request to UT ITS

In the Additional Information section, you must include the following in order for the transfer to be initiated:

  • Name of survey

  • Name and EID of staff member to transfer ownership to

  • Current survey owner:

    • If owner is active Healthyhorns employee: Name and EID of staff member

    • If owner is no longer employed at Healthyhorns (even if they are still employed at UT): Name and EID of staff member’s former Healthyhorns supervisor

  • Confidential information disclosure (one of the following options, depending on the situation):

    • “Survey does not contain confidential information.”

    • “Survey contains confidential information and new survey owner is authorized to access this information.”

    • If survey contains confidential information and you are not sure if the new survey owner is authorized to access, please contact Brittany Boyer to discuss.


After receiving your ticket, ITS will contact the current survey owner (or the owner’s former supervisor, if owner is no longer Healthyhorns employee) to get their permission to transfer the survey. Please give the staff member a heads up that ITS will be reaching out to them in order to speed up this process. You will receive a confirmation email from ITS after ownership has been transferred.