iSchool Events Calendar

This is an overview of the iSchool's Office 365 calendar entitled iSchool Events Calendar (


The UT iSchool has a shared resource calendar in Office 365 available to all members of the UT community.  It is maintained by a group of stakeholders among the faculty and staff and provides information on all iSchool events, tentatively detailed (e.g. "Save the date") or finalized. 


The iSchool Events Calendar is available within Outlook as a public shared calendar that you can add to your personal Outlook calendar in both the online and application versions of MS Outlook.

Administrative Access

The iSchool Events Calendar is jointly edited by approved stakeholders.  If you would like to become an approved editor, please contact 

Creating Events

To help others looking at created events in planning other events these practices will help:

  1. Be bold (as the tech firms say): lean to including more things rather than fewer (this will help with other's planning)
  2. If the event is tentative include (Hold) in the title.  Remove from title when the event firms up (ideally 1-2 weeks out).
  3. In the description include:
    1. A contact name/email for the event (we can't see who created it, so for questions it's good to know who to contact)
    2. An intended audience (e.g., undergrad students, faculty, postdocs, doc students, all, research staff, all staff).


This information is for:

Specify who the appropriate audience is for this particular article by deleting the unnecessary bullets below.



You can link to related articles by editing the macro below using the same topic tag as the current article.


Add the email or contact of the content owner for users to follow up with in case they have questions or want to follow up when information is out of date. Ideally, this should be a shared department inbox as opposed to an individual's email address.