Faculty Web Sites

An overview of faculty Website options.

What kind of website do you need?

  1. Free Wordpress Site - Choose this option if you want to login to a website to update your site content regularly

    1.  Instructions for setting up a Wordpress site

      Request a new Wordpress site

      1.  Navigate to http://sites.utexas.edu/, and click the link to Request A Site

      2. Sign in with your UT EID and Password

      3. Fill out the form to request your new Wordpress Site

          a. Your desired URL in this form will need to take the form "sites.utexas.edu/XXXX". You may request an iSchool branded URL later.

      4. Within one business day, you should receive an email letting you know your new Wordpress Site is up and running. It will include login instructions.

      Can I get a .ischool.utexas.edu address for my Wordpress site?

      -  Yes, after your new Wordpress site is up and running, email help@iSchool.utexas.edu with both the current address and the desired new address.
      -  The iSchool IT team will set up a reverse proxy, so your Wordpress site can be accessed at both web addresses.
  2. Free Static HTML Site - Choose this option if you want to upload html files to github

    1.  Request a new Static HTML site

      Request a new static HTML site

      -  Email help@ischool.utexas.edu with a request for a new static html faculty website

      -  The Commons team will create a new repository at https://github.austin.utexas.edu for you.

      -  We will grant access to you and any contributors you specify.

      -  A placeholder faculty profile will be in the /public directory.

      Test Changes Before Publishing

      -  If you create a 'test' branch in your repository, all content in the /public directory of your test branch will be automatically published to https://pages-test.ischool.utexas.edu/<your site name>.

      -  The test site can only be viewed on UT networks.

    2.  Update a Static HTML site

      New to git?  These instructions are for you, documenting the most straightforward way to update your site.  No command line required.

      Edit an Existing File - Video Tutorial

      1. Open the github repository shared with you by the commons at https://github.austin.utexas.edu 
      2. Click on the Public folder
      3. Click the file you want to update
      4. Click the Pencil icon
      5. Edit your file
      6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Commit Changes
      7. Congratulations!  You're done.  The changes will automatically sync to your live website

      Upload Files

      1. Open the github repository shared with you by the commons at https://github.austin.utexas.edu 
      2. Click on the folder where you want to upload files
      3. Click Add File > Upload Files
      4. Drag and Drop the new files or directories you want to upload*
      5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Commit Changes
      6. Congratulations!  You're done.  The changes will automatically sync to your live website

      *Files larger than 200mb will require git-lfs.  Contact help@ischool.utexas.edu if you need assistance.

  3. Paid Wordpress or Drupal site - Choose this option if you need a more advanced dynamic website

    1.  Pantheon Hosting

      UT Contracts with Pantheon to host advanced Wordpress and Drupal sites

      Cost: Pantheon charges based on traffic.  Most faculty websites will qualify for the lowest fee ($300 as of writing).  The current fee schedule can be viewed here: https://ut.service-now.com/sp?id=kb_article&number=KB0017959

      Details: Pantheon sites are more complex than either of the free options available to iSchool Faculty.  Please review the support documentation for Pantheon websites here: https://ut.service-now.com/sp?id=ut_bs_service_detail&sys_id=2494a7e04f792e0053b32ae6f110c708.

      Can I get a .ischool.utexas.edu address for my Pantheon site?

      -  Yes, after your new Pantheon site is up and running, email help@iSchool.utexas.edu with both the current address and the desired new address.

This information is for:


