Biofilter Acclimation Protocols

Biofilter Acclimation Protocol:


Items Needed:

  • 10 Liters of Raw Water (Lake Austin)
  • 2.5 Micron Filters
  • 1 Micron Filters
  • Erlenmeyer Flasks (2)
    • At least 1 L more is easier
  • Funnels (2)
  • Pump and tubing

Time Line:

          Total: ~8 days

          Filtration: 3-5 hours

          Acclimation: 7 days


  1. Soak filters in DI water overnight before filtration
  2. Ensure that raw water is well mixed
  3. To remove particles without removing bacteria sample must go through 2.5 micron filter then 1 micron filter
  4. Place funnel in Erlenmeyer flask and put fold filters to fit into funnel
  5. Put the raw water in the flask that has the 2.5 micron filter keep water in funnel as it filters (then put water through 1 micron filter)
    1. Note: Originally used vacuum hook-ups, but when vacuum is opened filters would tear through.
  6. Once water has passed through both filters it is ready to go through biofilter trains.
  7. Filtered water can be recirculated through filters for one week to ensure that biofilm will be created on media.
  8. Congrats you have an Acclimated Biofilter!