


  • IvorySearch is a search plugin highly integrated with WordPress which provides search options across images, audio files, videos, pdf, documents, etc. 
  • Key Advantages: 
    • There is a great deal of customization involved. For example, files may be searched based on their title, caption, or description. They can also be excluded in searches by specific file types or upload date. 
    • The button for search (containing a magnifying glass as its icon) can be further designed to correlate with the theme of a site. One may change the color, size, placement, etc. within seconds. Website managers also have the ability to display search forms anywhere on the site with IvorySearch’s automatically generated shortcode. Consequently, forms can appear on the site header, footer, widget area, navigation menu, page content, etc. 
    • Customer support is highly active and accessible for help when required. IvorySearch has a website which includes a contact form to which staff are very responsive. That form can be found here: 
  • Limitations: 
    • The only limitation is that IvorySearch sometimes entails a learning curve, as it works very differently from the default WordPress search functionality to offer more customization and filter options