Form alterations reference

Main Form Changes:

(remember to re-import them to the correct level. )

Adding the 'Purpose of Loan' dropdown to the Loan form.

in paleo.views.xml


in paleo.views.xml

<cell type="label" labelfor="1"/>
<cell type="field" id="1" name="loanNumber" uitype="formattedtext"/>
<cell type="label" labelfor="3"/>
<cell type="field" id="3" name="loanDate" uitype="formattedtext" uifieldformatter="Date" default="today"/>
<cell type="label" labelfor="31"/>
<cell type="field" id="31" name="purposeOfLoan" uitype="combobox" picklist="purposeOfLoan"/>
<cell type="label" labelfor="12"/>
<cell type="field" id="12" name="currentDueDate" uitype="formattedtext" uifieldformatter="Date"/>

Adding 'show GUID' to the Collection Object form

in paleo.views.xml

<cell type="label" labelfor="15"/>
<cell type="field" id="15" name="guid" uitype="textareabrief" colspan="2" rows="3"/>

Adding 'show GUID' to the Locality form

in paleo.views.xml

<cell type="label" labelfor="46"/>
<cell type="field" id="46" name="guid" uitype="textareabrief" colspan="3" rows="2"/>

Adding 'verified' checkbox to the GeoRef subform of the Locality form

line 4175 in common.views

<cell type="field" id="4" name="geoRefVerificationStatus" uitype="checkbox" colspan="2"/>

Adding Collection Object subform to the Field Notebook Page subform

in paleo.views.xml

*make sure the column def =100px,2px,131px,5px,63px,2px,103px,5px,200px,2px,200,20px,p:g

add to the Field Notebook Page viewdef:

<cell type="subview" viewname="CollectionObjectSub" id="13" colspan="12" rows="3" name="collectionObjects" initialize="addsearch=true"/>

For our purposes (in the CollectionObjectSub viewdef) I took 'project number' and 'collection name' out of the subform and changed the catalog number to span 5 columns. 

Workbench Uploader Changes.

These changes affect all users immediately. These files are found locally on your computer here C:\Program Files (x86)\Specify\config
When you alter these xml files they only impact the computer you are working on. If you want all users on all computers to have these changes, then all computers must be updated. 

Adding changes to the Chronostrat tree in the workbench uploader

near line 670 in the specify_workbench_datamodel.xml file

<table classname="edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.GeologicTimePeriod" table="geologictimeperiod" tableid="46" lazy="true">
<display objtitle="Geologic Time Period"/>
<field column="Erathem/Era" name="erathem/era" type="java.lang.String" length="64"/>
<field column="System/Period" name="system/period" type="java.lang.String" length="64"/>
<field column="Sub-System/Period" name="sub-system/period" type="java.lang.String" length="64"/>
<field column="Series/Epoch" name="series/epoch" type="java.lang.String" length="64"/>
<field column="Sub-Series/Epoch" name="sub-series/epoch" type="java.lang.String" length="64"/>
<field column="Stage/Age" name="stage/age" type="java.lang.String" length="64"/>

near line 570 in the specify_workbench_upload_def.xml

<!-- geologictimeperied -->
<field table="GeologicTimePeriod" name="erathem/era" treename="geologictimeperiod" maptofield="name" rankid="100"/>
<field table="GeologicTimePeriod" name="system/period" treename="geologictimeperiod" maptofield="name" rankid="200"/>
<field table="GeologicTimePeriod" name="sub-system/period" treename="geologictimeperiod" maptofield="name" rankid="250"/>
<field table="GeologicTimePeriod" name="series/epoch" treename="geologictimeperiod" maptofield="name" rankid="300"/>
<field table="GeologicTimePeriod" name="sub-series/epoch" treename="geologictimeperiod" maptofield="name" rankid="350"/>
<field table="GeologicTimePeriod" name="stage/age" treename="geologictimeperiod" maptofield="name" rankid="400"/>

Adding Preparation 'Status' to the uploader

(missing, hospital etc...)

WB Datamodel line 722

<field column="Status" name="status" type="java.lang.String" length="32"/>
testing for type=java.lang.String

WB upload defs line 579

<field table="Preparation" name="status 1" actualname="status" onetomanysequence="0" relationshipname="collectionObject"/>