UTSC Executive Committee

Executive Committee Table of Contents
Contact Info


The UTSC Executive Committee oversees UTSC and ensures it adheres to our guiding principles:

  • Be collaborative partners
  • Empower staff to enhance their quality of life and work environment
  • Increase the value of staff in the eyes of campus stakeholders
  • Support initiatives in the best interest of staff



Stuart TendlerChairsmtendler@austin.utexas.edu
Jeannie FarahnakVice Chairjfarahnak@austin.utexas.edu
Gary A ThomasSecretarygaryt@physics.utexas.edu
Alanna BitzelIssuesalanna.bitzel@athletics.utexas.edu
Ann HolidayResourcesaholliday@austin.utexas.edu
Jeb KendrickParliamentarianjeb.kendrick@austin.utexas.edu
 Ricardo Vela
Nominations and Electionsravela@austin.utexas.edu
Jason Eitelbach
Staff Development Chairjason.eitelbach@austin.utexas.edu
Philip M GavendaCommunications Chairphil.gavenda@austin.utexas.edu
Bryan HillSpecial Projects Chair


Stephanie PerroneSustainabilitystephanie.perrone@austin.utexas.edu