2011 Reports

2011 Reports


Action Items / Proposals






Communications & The Digital Divide

  • Email Effectiveness
    • Modernize the Group E-mail system
    • Create a "Promotional" category
    • UTSC's Chair should be able to send "Official" Messages






New Group E-mail system rolled out

"Promotional" category included in this system.


This was suggested to address the fact that many staff
unsubscribe to "Informational" E-mail.
With the creations of a "Promotional" category,
the need for the Chair to send "Official" messages is unnecessary




Compensation Benefits



  • Share the University Compensation Philosophy
    • Develop consistent approach to identify and address the most extreme salary inequalities
    • Help current and potential staff compare their compensation with peers outside the university
    • Provide HRS with resources to distribute Total Compensation Statements to UT Austin employees


  •  Mitigate Wage Erosion
    • Oppose any measures that would eliminate longevity pay.

  •  Promote Existing Perks and Create New Rewards
    • One-time monetary rewards
    • Modest one-time exemplary service payments (like the Ideas of Texas website)
    • Paid month-long membership to RecSports
    • Pre-loaded SharePass parking card
    • Gift cards, books or educational materials.









Total Compensation Statements have been distributed to UT staff two times so far. Staff Council has worked directly with HRS to provide feedback about the tool in order to provide more clarity and make it more useful for staff. This tool can also be used to help staff compare their compensation with peers outside the university.





There has not been any conversation about eliminating longevity pay, so there is no current action needed. However, should the conversation surface, the Staff Council should let the administration know that we oppose any measure that would eliminate that pay.


Some of these ideas have been explored, but most of the rewards are connected to existing awards given to staff. There could be an increased focus on marketing and promotion of existing awards so that more supervisors/staff know about the award options.

Job Security


  • Require an exit evaluation
  • Special Considerations Status extension
  • Release of annual data about use of Special Considerations Program

Performance Evaluations

  • Release average evaluation score for employing department
  • Notify employee of evaluation score entered in reappointment document

HR Website Updates

  • Add a "Layoffs" and "Performance Evaluation" topic to the "Current Staff" tab
























Currently the HR website is being redeveloped.

Transportation Solutions

