Working Moms Group - UT

September 8, 2017 Meeting: Managing Transitions


Managing Transitions



Presenter: Merri S Wilson 

Other Attendees: Kayla Ford krista chacon @katie pritchett  Chacon-Posey, Adrianne Y @katy redd Julia D Chinnock Talley, Sarah B  Nicole Jones  @myra gibbs  @kyle hernandez  @kelly frazer  Caroline Enriquez Eva Reavley Gonzalez, Andrea G

Discussion Notes

  • What transitions are you facing?
    • After-school care and lack of allergy awareness by the public school and administrators
      • Maybe talk to the Parent Support Specialist at the school (AISD staff member that could be a resource)
      • Or maybe need to escalate above the principal
      • Doctor has connected parent with other parents and support networks
    • Who is in your support network for this transition?
    • Personal Transitions – increasing out-of-house commitments (more classes)
    • Feel like you're drowning, but learning to swim better each time
    • They eventually turn into someone you like to spend time with (silver lining!) but it might be 5 years of drudgery
  • Parent Support group rather than just mothers
    • initial vision was specific to mothers – challenges of working motherhood can be different that those of working fatherhood
    • is there interest in changing the name/structure?
  • Breakout baby/toddler
    • sleeping – how long, how they lay
      • sleep training: different methods & lots of information
      • gradual extinction
      • every child is different – cliche but very true
    • getting back to normal
      • guilty feelings
      • working out
      • do something for yourself at least once a month – your kid won't notice you gone for that short time
        • keep yourself mentally/physically healthy
      • things are temporary, this "normal" is only normal until the next one
  • Breakout pre-K+
    • discussion
  • Facebook group: join!
  • Family social/playdate
  • Finalizing topics – sending survey

Action items
