How to request a restore from tape

We coordinate requests to restore from tape client files by providing tape manifest details to DevOps tape systems administrators.

What you need:

Your results from searching tape manifests.

Email client.

You, the tape admin, and the client all have access to the designated restore destination, i.e network, cloud, or portable drive. In other words, it is easiest to pick a location everyone can read/write to that also has the fastest overall transfer rate. There are times when sneaker net / portable hard drive is much faster and cheaper than internet transfer, due to limitations in bandwidth, network infrastructure, or sheer volume of data.

What you do:

Email lib-tis. Optionally, CC others if desired.

Subject line: request restore from tape, n files occupying nGB on n tapes. Specify RUSH if desired.

Attached a restore-manifest.txt if you have one. This attachment is not something DevOps requires, but it helps with clarification and verification. Recommended when a discreet file set or large number of files are being restored.

In the message body, specify a restore destination. Specify rush or a due date if desired. Optionally, provide a short description if it helps convey importance or priority.

Example restore request: