Renewing Art & Art History Memberships

The active professors of the Art & Art History departments at UT receive complimentary Individual level memberships. We need to make sure new professors are added, returning faculty get renewed, and departing professors are removed. This should be done every August, before their renewal cycle begins in September.

Note: Richard Shiff is an AAH faculty member but also a Blanton National Leadership Board member, which means he already receives an annual Patron level membership, so you don’t need to give him an AAH comp membership.

  1. Find an updated list of AAH faculty
    1. Check the AAH faculty webpage, or
    2. Email AAH departmental staff and request and updated list
  2. Review the list and make necessary changes to Altru profiles
  3. Create Altru records for new professors
    1. Use The University of Texas as their primary business address
    2. Enter the email address provided on the AAH webpage or by AAH staff
    3. Check that salutations are correct (use “Professor” instead of “Prof”)
    4. Add a membership, then go to their membership page and “print” their membership card (we do not send them printed cards but just keep them active in the system)
    5. Add the AAH constituency
      1. On the constituent’s record, go to the Personal Info tab, then to the Constituencies sub-tab
      2. Click Add, then User-Defined
      3. Select the Constituency Art & Art History Faculty and set Date From as today
    6. For departing professors
      1. Cancel their membership
        1. Go to their membership page and click Other Tasks
        2. Hit Cancel Membership, choose CancelComp – Cancelled Comp Membership, and click Save
      2. Remove the AAH constituency
        1. On the constituent’s record, go to the Personal Info tab, then to the Constituencies sub-tab
        2. Click the dropdown by the Art & Art History Faculty constituency and Delete
      3. For returning professors, simply update their expiration date to November of the following year (don’t worry about the “renewing” process, since there is no payment attached or no printed cards)
        1. Go to their membership page
        2. Under Member Cards:
          1. Click the green arrow button
          2. Click Edit and change the expiration date
          3. Click Save
        3. Click Other Tasks
          1. Choose Edit Membership Details
          2. Change the expiration date
          3. Click save
        4. Done!