Constituencies & Renewals

Art Club & Art Club Steering Committee

Art Club members are on a separate renewal schedule, managed by the Development department. Development also manages their renewal reminders, so Membership uses the Art Club and Art Club Steering Committee constituencies to keep them out of lists pulled for regular renewal reminder mailings and emails. Renewal queries and appeals are set to exclude anyone marked with these constituencies. Development is in charge of managing individual constituents to make sure their Art Club/Art Club Steering Committee constituencies are up-to-date.

Complimentary Memberships

There are a handful of members who receive complimentary memberships every year (often for in-kind support or as a “thank you” for generous annual donations). The donors should be marked with the Comp Membership Recipient constituency, which is excluded from all renewal queries and appeals and should keep them from receiving renewal reminders. Keep an eye on the ad-hoc query Development Comp Memberships to check for upcoming expiration dates and any notes explaining the comp membership situation. If the donor is managed by Development, communicate with them when it comes time for renewal to make sure the situation is unchanged.