PDS UT Email Requirement

PDS UT Email Requirement

All Professional Development Sequence (PDS) applicants are required to obtain a UTmail (@utexas.edu) email address and set their UTmail account as their official university email address. Failure to comply with both requests will result in you receiving no further communication from our office regarding your acceptance status into the PDS and other requirements for beginning the PDS.

If You Already Have a UTmail Address

Set your UTmail account as your official university email address:

  1. Go to Address Change page on UTDirect: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/apps/utd/all_my_addresses/
  2. In the Student Records - Email Address section, locate the Email field and type in your UTmail email address (e.g. username@utexas.edu). 
  3. Click Update This Address.

Your updated email address will start receiving university email communications within one or two business days. Be sure to check this account on a regular basis.

That's it! You are done!

If You Do Not Already Have a UTmail Address:

  1. Sign up for UTmail at https://get.utmail.utexas.edu/.
  2. Set your UTmail account as your official university email address:
    1. Go to Address Change page on UTDirect: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/apps/utd/all_my_addresses/
    2. In the Student Records - Email Address section, locate the Email field and type in your UTmail email address (e.g. username@utexas.edu). 
    3. Click Update This Address.

Your updated email address will start receiving university email communications within one or two business days. Be sure to check this account on a regular basis.

     3.  Send an email to Jenny.carney@austin.utexas.edu from your new UTmail address so that we can update your PDS application record.

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