Student Organization: Education Leadership and Policy Student/Professional Association (ELPSA)

The Education Leadership and Policy Student/Professional Association (ELPSA)
ELPSA is an association of higher education leadership and policy students studying at master’s and doctoral levels. Their efforts contribute to fostering relationships and communication among students, faculty, administration, and the profession. ELPSA aims to advance higher education administration through professional development, leadership, community building and networking, service, and mentorship.

 To sign up for ELPSA Listserv:

  • Navigate to the ELPSA UTList Serv
  • On the left hand sidebar click “Subscribe”     
  • Enter your email address and name
  • Confirm your subscription choice by selecting "Confirm"
  • A confirmation link will be sent to your email
  • Once you select the link in your email, you will confirm a final time that you want to subscribe.

 (Use “Your Preferences” in the top left corner under your sign-in info to manage your email addresses and subscriptions.)


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