_Paged Content Display/Viewers


Publications use an islandora out-of-box display that allows the user to view Issues grouped together by year and by month:

Issues will not appear in the default browse listing until they have valid dates. To correct invalid dates, navigate to the Manage > Publication tab to find a list of problematic issues.

Navigate to each issue listed and edit the MODS datastream, adding a valid Date Created or Date Issued value.


Books and Issues use the Mozilla pdf.js Reader (for admins/DAMS Managers, the label in the solution pack configuration is UTDAMS pdf.js Reader). 

The pdf.js viewer was chosen over the Internet Archive Book Reader for two reasons:

  1. Faster load times (the more pages the more noticeable the improved loading time is).
  2. Better search functionality (searching for a term located on a Book/Issue page and clicking on a result from the search results will open the Book/Issue level viewer and take the user to the page where that term is located).

The pdf.js viewer requires a PDF or UTLDAMS-PDF datastream at the Book/Issue level to display pages. In cases where there is no PDF or UTLDAMS-PDF datastream - e.g., if the user creates a Book or Issue without any pages - the viewer will not appear; instead, help text stating "Datastream with PDF or UTLDAMS-PDF DSID required for display in PDF viewer" will be displayed. In that case, it's important to remember that adding pages does not automatically generate (or regenerate) a PDF datastream at the Book/Issue level. Users can initiate the generation or regeneration of a PDF through the GUI at any time when pages are present:


Pages use the OpenSeadragon viewer with djatoka as tilesource.