Spring 2019

Spring 2019

The UT Linked Data Informal Learning series from fall 2018 - spring 2020 was coordinated in large part by Itza Carbajal, Latin American Metadata Librarian for LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Special Collections, a branch of the University of Texas at Austin Libraries. To learn more about these series check the LD Informal Learning series section of the wiki.


This informal learning discussion group hopes to introduce ongoing projects at the University of Texas that incorporate or plan to utilize linked data principles and applications. These projects pertain to library, archives, and other cultural heritage work as well as education and research initiatives. As these spaces transition to using linked data concepts and technologies in an effort to utilize the full capabilities of the web, the University of Texas Library staff seeks to develop opportunities for all library staff, students, faculty, and visitors to prepare themselves intellectually for these changes. Discussion participants should leave with more information on the exciting work of libraries and how linked data applies to their work.

These discussions are a continuation of the the UT Linked Data Informal Learning Series Fall 2019 

Looking for a basic introduction to Linked Data? Visit the UT Linked Data Informal Learning Series Fall 2018 page for resources.

Focus and Facilitation

Discussion topics will focus on various projects occurring at the University of Texas at Austin that utilize Linked Data principles and their applications as well as other semantic web technologies. Series facilitators include University of Texas at Austin staff, faculty, and students including Michael Shensky, Jessica Trelogan, Katie Pierce Meyer, Josh Conrad, Adam Rabinowitz, Paloma Graciani Picardo, and Itza Carbajal

Discussion Topic Schedule

SessionDateLocationTopicsAssignments / Notes / ResourcesPresentation Slides
#1Wed. 1/30PCL 1.124

Topic: Buildings of Texas and GIS

Facilitators: Michael Shensky, Jessica Trelogan, Katie Pierce Meyer, Josh Conrad

Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices: https://www.w3.org/TR/sdw-bp/

#2Wed. 2/27PCL 1.124

Topic: Alexander Architectural Archives and GIS

Facilitators: Michael Shensky, Jessica Trelogan, Katie Pierce Meyer, Josh Conrad

Import into Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Tutorials/Basic_editing

#3Wed. 3/27PCL 1.124

Topic: PeriodO & definitions of historical, art-historical, and archaeological periods

Facilitators: Adam Rabinowitz, Classics Dept.

Rabinowitz pre-print. Draft for internal use only and not for circulation.

#4Wed. 4/24PCL 1.124

Topic: Linked Data for Production (LD4P) & metadata creation for better user discoverability

Facilitators: Paloma Graciani Picardo, Harry Ransom Center

Linked Data for Production (LD4P) wiki pages: https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=74515029
LC BIBFRAME training (CLW): http://www.loc.gov/catworkshop/bibframe/


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