Single Nucleotide Variant (SNV) calling Tutorial GVA2016
SAMtools is a suite of commands for dealing with databases of mapped reads. You'll be using it quite a bit throughout the course. It includes programs for performing variant calling (mpileup-bcftools).
Learning Objectives
- Familiarize yourself with SAMtools.
- Gain important insight into version control.
- Use SAMtools to identify variants in the E. coli genomes we mapped in the previous tutorial.
Calling variants in reads mapped by bowtie2
Right now, we'll be using it to call variants (find mutations) in the re-sequenced E. coli genome from the Mapping tutorial. You will need the output SAM files from that tutorial to continue here. If you wish to start this tutorial without completing the Mapping Tutorial, see the bottom section of this page for information about downloading canned data.
We assume that you are still working in the main directory called BDIB_bowtie2_mapping that you created on $SCRATCH
Loading SAMtools – a lesson in version control
One of the most important aspects of science is that it is supposed to be reproducible, and as mentioned in an earlier tutorial, a computer will always do exactly what it is told... the trick is telling it to do what you actually want it to do. As bench scientists, we all know (or will soon learn) that protocols change slightly over time... maybe you have had the nightmare troubleshooting experience of a reliable protocol suddenly giving unreliable results only to find out that an enzyme/reagent/kit you bought from a different vendor because it was cheeper is actually not identical in every way, or maybe you find a kit or reagent that claims better yield yet forces small differences in your protocol. Computational biology is no different in that protocols and programs change slightly over time (usually in the form of version updates). In the "best" case, version improvements add new functionality that do not change old analysis, in the worst of cases in an effort to fix small bugs (thereby increase accuracy by eliminating false positives in the eyes of the developers at least) in a way that makes you unaware that anything has changed other than your final output if you have to repeat your analysis (say because you added new samples to your cohort). Sometimes, programs will change drastically enough that even your old commands stop working. This is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that you are astutely aware that something has changed, and you are forced to either fix/update your analysis to the new version (typically gaining an understanding of what was changed), and a curse in that you have to figure out how to fix things even if this means continuing to use an older version.
As an optional extension of this tutorial you will have the opportunity to experience this first hand as you have access to 2 different versions of samtools 1 of which works for this tutorial, and the other which does not.
First let's check if SAMtools is loaded. The easiest way to do this is to simply type samtools. (Remember that most programs/commands are in all lowercase (while scripts often have capital letters) despite their webpages having capital letters associated with them to make them stand out). Looking through the output you should see a line that reads:
Version: 0.1.18 (r982:295)
This is very important information for the most detailed reporting of your computational analysis, and reproducibility of said analysis. Sadly this level of reporting is often ignored or not appreciated by many journals leading to difficulty in reproducing results.
Some modules on TACC offer multiple different versions, and sadly (for many biological modules at least), the default version is not always the newest version. Can you use the module system to determine if there are other versions of samtools available?
You should notice that the only version of samtools that is available through the module system on tacc is version 1.3 which is clearly different than version 0.1.18. Can you figure out where version 0.1.18 is being loaded from?
You may have noticed that module list samtools told you that you had version 1.3 loaded already. This raises the question of why samtools points at version 0.1.18 in the BioITeam resources rather than the module version. To understand this, consider the following information about the module system and the $PATH variable:
- When you type a command, only locations that are in your PATH variable are searched for an executable command matching that name.
- When the command is found in your PATH, the computer immediately substitutes the location it was found for the short command name you entered, and stops searching.
- This means that things that are early in your path are always searched first. In some extreme cricumstances if you add a bunch of locations with lots of files to the front of your PATH, you can actually slow down your entire computer.
- The module system always assumes that when you load a module, you intend to use it, and thus puts the executables for that module at the front of your PATH.
- In your .bashrc file, modules are loaded first (including samtools).
- After modules are loaded, we further manipulate your PATH variable several times. The last time with the following line:
export PATH=$BI/breseq/bin:$PATH
- This command says make the variable PATH equal to the variable BI plus /breseq/bin and then add on the existing value of $PATH
One of the most important lessons you can ever learn
anytime you manipulate your PATH variable you always want to make sure that you include $PATH on the right side of the equation somewhere separated by : either before it, after it, or on both sides of it if you want it in the middle of 2 different locations. As we are explaining right now, there are reasons and times to put it in different relative places, but if you fail to include it (or include a typo in it by calling it say $PTAH) you can actually remove access to all existing commands (including the most basic things like "ls" "mkdir" "cd".
- Together all this means that the last modification to your PATH was the addition of a different program (breseq) to your PATH, unexpectedly breseq also includes a samtools distribution making it the first thing that is found when you use the command samtools. This is not an uncommon type of thing for programs to do when they rely on a specific version of a program to run themselves.
As alluded to in the introduction, this tutorial is designed to run (and will actually only run) with one of these 2 versions. That version is the version that is included with breseq in the BioITeam distrubtion. At the end of this tutorial there is an optional tutorial using the module version of samtools, but for now...
execute the following 2 commands and make sure you get the 3rd line as output:
tacc:~$ module unload samtools tacc:~$ which samtools /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/breseq/bin/samtools
Prepare your directories
Since the $SCRATCH directory on lonestar is effectively infinite for our purposes, we're going to copy the relevant files from our mapping tutorial into a new directory for this tutorial. This should help you identify what files came from what tutorial if you look back at it in the future. Let's copy over just the read alignment file in the SAM format and the reference genome in FASTA format to a new directory called BDIB_samtools_tutorial.
Index the FASTA reference file
First, you need to index the reference file. (This isn't indexing it for read mapping. It's indexing it so that SAMtools can quickly jump to a certain base in the reference.)
samtools faidx NC_012967.1.fasta
Take a look at the new *.fai file that was created by this command see if you have any idea what some of the numbers mean.
less NC_012967.1.fasta.fai # can exit with "q"
As you can see, the less command also works perfectly well with files that are not in danger of crashing anything without cluttering your terminal with lines of a file.
Convert mapped reads from SAM to BAM, sort, and index
SAM is a text file, so it is slow to access information about how any given read was mapped. SAMtools and many of the commands that we will run later work on BAM files (essentially GZIP compressed binary forms of the text SAM files). These can be loaded much more quickly. Typically, they also need to be sorted, so that when the program wants to look at all reads overlapping position 4,129,888, it can easily find them all at once without having to search through the entire BAM file.
The following 3 commands are used to convert from SAM to BAM format, sort the BAM file, and index the BAM file. As you might assume this is computationally intense and as such must be iDEV node or submitted as a job (more on this on Thursday). If you want to submit them to the job queue, you will want to separate them with a ";" to ensure that they run sequentially on the same node. Under no circumstances should you run this on the head node.
Do not run on head node
Use showq -u to verify you are still on the idev node.
samtools view -b -S -o SRR030257.bam SRR030257.sam samtools sort SRR030257.bam SRR030257.sorted samtools index SRR030257.sorted.bam
Examine the output of the previous commands to get an idea of whats going on. Here are some prompts of how to do that:
BAM files when copying them from one computer to another. Don't bother! They are already internally compressed, so you won't be able to shrink the file. On the other hand, compressing SAM files will save a fair bit of space.Call genome variants
Now we use the mpileup
command from samtools
to compile information about the bases mapped to each reference position. The output is a BCF file. This is a binary form of the text Variant Call Format (VCF).
samtools mpileup -u -f NC_012967.1.fasta SRR030257.sorted.bam > SRR030257.bcf
What are all the options doing? Try calling samtools mpileup without any options to see if you can figure it out before clicking below to
The samtools mpileup
command will take a few minutes to run. As practice for a fairly common occurrence when working with the iDEV environment, once the command is running, you should try putting it in the background by pressing control-z
and then typing the command bg
so that you can do some other things in this terminal window at the same time. Remember, there are still many other processors available on this node!
Once the mpileup command is complete, convert the BCF file to a "human-readable" VCF file using the bcftools command (the which command will tell you where this command is located and examination of that path should tell you how you have access to it).
bcftools view -v -c -g SRR030257.bcf > SRR030257.vcf
What are these options doing?
Take a look at the SRR030257.vcf
file using less
. It has a nice header explaining what the columns mean, including answers to some of your questions from yesterday's presentations. Below this are the rows of data describing potential genetic variants.
Filtering VCF files with grep
VCF format has alternative Allele Frequency tags denoted by AF= Try the following command to see what values we have in our files.
grep AF1 SRR030257.vcf
Optional Exercises
Calling variants in reads mapped by BWA or the improved read quality reads
Follow the same directions to call variants in the BWA or Bowtie2 mapped reads with the improved quality. Just be sure you don't write over your old files. Maybe create new directories like BDIB_samtools_bwa
and BDIB_samtools_bowtie_improved
for the output in each case. As another fun version control issue, using the module system you can see that bowtie actually has 2 versions available: 1.1.2 and 2.2.6 ... these version could not be more different to the point where they should really be named different things. bowtie 1.1.2 is included only to keep old scripts that rely on it running, and is surpassed in everyway by bowtie2. If so desired, you could figure out how to run it yourself as a test of learning an unfamiliar program, or you could include any the output from said run from the precanned location below:
If you do not have the output from the Mapping tutorial, run the first 4 commands to copy over the output that would have been produced. Then, you can immediately start this tutorial!
cds mkdir BDIB_samtools_tutorial # if directory already exists, don't worry it won't delete the current contents cd BDIB_samtools_tutorial cp -r $BI/gva_course/mapping/bowtie2 . # optional commands for optional and more in-depth tutorials cp -r $BI/gva_course/mapping/bowtie . cp -r $BI/gva_course/mapping/bwa .
These precanned results will be used in the optional upcoming bedtools tutorial as well, or you can simply compare the output .vcf files for more simple answers
Further Optional Exercises
- Which mapper finds more variants?
- Can you figure out how to filter the VCF files on various criteria, like coverage, quality, ... ?
- How many high quality mutations are there in these E. coli samples relative to the reference genome?
- Look at how the reads supporting these variants were aligned to the reference genome in the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV).
- Look into more sophisticated variant calling with GATK. We recommend starting from the GATK best practice page.
Module version of samtools
As suggested in the initial introduction, the point of this optional tutorial is to work through getting a different version of samtools to work (the command line expectations and flags are not as they were in version 0.1.18). To make sure you are starting in the right place:
tacc:~$ module load samtools tacc:~$ which samtools /opt/apps/samtools/1.3/bin/samtools
Good luck, and remember if you undertake this and get frustrated with it, it is a great learning experience and is by far the most difficult thing you will attempt. As part of the learning experience, feel free to contact us with any questions or problems you are specifically having with it, but cookbooked suggestions would defeat the intended purpose of beating your head against the problem to figure it out. You DO have the necessary skills to figure out how to do this now.
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