EWRE Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Degree Options:
MS Degree
Several options exist for students in the Master of Science degree program: There are two different options for each of two degree titles, namely M.S. in Civil Engineering and M.S. in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering.
The title M.S. in Civil Engineering or M.S. in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering appears on official transcripts but not on the diploma. The more specific designation of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering is preferred by some. The M.S. in Civil Engineering is available to all students in the program, including those who are eligible for the more specific Environmental and Water Resources Engineering designation. Students eligible for either degree can change this designation easily at any time prior to the semester of graduation. The two programs described below are available for both degree titles.
Thesis Option
Students take thirty semester credit hours of courses of which twelve to eighteen hours are in the major area, at least six hours are in minor areas and six hours are thesis research. Students who are supported with research assistantships are almost always required to pursue this option, as their theses usually serve as part of a contract completion report to the research project sponsor. The thesis must be approved by the supervising professor and one other faculty member.
For more information on the thesis option, please read the Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Graduate Policies and Guidelines.
One-Year Report Option
Students at the masters level who are not supported as a Research Assistant may choose to complete a departmental report (rather than a thesis). This option requires thirty credit hours (nine courses and a report). The report option is especially appropriate for students with special time constraints since it is normally possible to complete this option in one year of full-time study (two academic semesters and a summer). The report option is also recommended for part-time students. Students wishing to pursue this option should clearly indicate their intentions at the time of application to graduate school. For more information on the report option, please read the Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Graduate Policies and Guidelines.
Major Areas
Typical major areas within our program are those listed in Research. Specific areas of specialization can be tailored to a student's needs and interests; in fact, with no specific course requirements in the program, every student works with a faculty advisor to choose the set of courses that best achieves his or her objectives. Courses that are closely related to the major area form the major and may be from either the Department of Civil Engineering or other departments. Supporting work consists of courses outside the major. Courses considered supporting coursework are not required to have any relation to one another; each simply has to be recognizably different from the major. Courses within EWRE that are significantly different from a student's major area often serve as supporting work but must be approved as such by the Graduate Advisor.
Dual Degrees
A dual M.S. degree program with the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs is available. Students wishing to receive this dual degree must be accepted by both M.S. programs. Upon completion of the program, students receive an M.S. in Engineering and a Master of Public Affairs. This dual degree program is particularly fitting for those students with interests in environmental policy and who foresee working in a governmental or policy arena. Typically, two or three students in the EWRE program are enrolled in this dual degree program at a time, and there is excellent rapport among the faculty in both programs. The thesis for students in this program contains both engineering and policy aspects and fulfills requirements for both degrees.
Minimum GPA
Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA to avoid academic warning and possible dismissal. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is also required for graduation.
Time Requirements
The time needed to complete a master's degree varies among students. Students with half-time appointments as research or teaching assistants usually take between 16 and 24 months to complete the degree, commonly finishing two semesters beyond the first year. Full-time students without research or teaching assistantships can complete the report option within one year, although most students choose to take one additional semester. Students with non-engineering backgrounds require longer times because of the make-up courses required, as described in Additional Requirements for Non-Engineers.
Additional Requirements for Non-Engineers
Students without a prior BS degree in engineering are usually required to take additional undergraduate courses. Depending on the number of background courses needed, a student may be required to register as an undergraduate until the time when he/she will begin graduate level work. The courses required for a student without an engineering degree can vary widely, depending on the background. Each student's required courses are evaluated on an individual basis, but as a minimum, the following undergraduate courses generally are required before graduate courses can be taken.
- 12 hours Mathematics (calculus or higher)
- 8 hours Physics
- 3 hours Chemistry
- 3 hours Statics
- 3 hours Dynamics
- 3 hours Mechanics of Solids
- 3 hours Computer Programming
- 3 hours Engineering Materials
- 3 hours Fluid Mechanics
- 3 hours Thermodynamics or electrical circuits
- 12 hours Civil engineering – including courses in at least two areas
Other courses may be required depending on which specialty area the student intends to pursue.
Credit may be given for any course on the above list for which a student has previously received a passing grade.
Ph.D. Degree
The Ph.D. program with an emphasis in EWRE is highly flexible to accommodate a wide range of student educational objectives and research interests. Overall, however, the Ph.D. program demands very high standards of scholarship from students. Students are expected to develop both great depth and breadth in their knowledge and to conduct research that is a significant and original contribution at the frontiers of knowledge. The program is intended to prepare students for careers in teaching and research in academia or careers in research and advanced engineering applications in industry.
Ph.D. students in EWRE must follow all rules and requirements of the Graduate School and the Civil Engineering graduate program. The Ph.D. degree in EWRE requires the completion of significant coursework beyond the M.S., conducting independent research leading to the preparation of a dissertation, and completion of major examinations and other milestones, as described in the Civil Engineering PhD guidelines.
There is no specific minimum number of courses required for the Ph.D. degree. Nonetheless, Ph.D. students are expected to take courses to develop breadth and depth in their knowledge and to prepare them to conduct independent research. Courses should be selected by the student in consultation with their Research Supervisor and their Dissertation Committee. As a guideline, Ph.D. students in EWRE typically take 4 to 8 courses beyond the M.S. To guide course selection, the student should consult the list of sample courses in the EWRE area.
The Doctor of Philosophy is a research degree, and conducting high quality original research represents the most fundamental requirement of the degree. Research for the Ph.D. is expected to be significant in scope and to be an original contribution at the frontiers of knowledge in the field. Further, while research is conducted under the guidance of the Research Supervisor and the Dissertation Committee, Ph.D. students are expected to work independently in the conduct of their research.
While the student will work closely with their Research Supervisor, the student will also form a Dissertation Committee to help guide and review the research. The Dissertation Committee normally consists of a minimum of four faculty members, with at least one member outside of the CE graduate studies committee.
Research for the Ph.D. culminates in the preparation of a Dissertation. The Dissertation must be approved by the Dissertation Committee.
Course Selection
EWRE students can take courses from many different areas within CAEE, as well as outside the department. The intent of these requirements is to assure that coursework programs provide both depth and breadth. A list of recommended courses for EWRE is included below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and simply provides examples.
Graduate Courses
Water and Wastewater Treatment
CE 385J - Hazardous Waste Management
Legal and technological approaches to control of hazardous wastes, studied through problem evaluation and solution. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Civil Engineering 342 or consent of instructor.
CE 385L - Water and Wastewater Treatment
Principles of treatment of domestic and industrial water, wastewater and sludges. Three lecture hours or two and one-half lecture hours and one laboratory hour a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Topic 1: Physical and Chemical Treatment. Additional prerequisite: Civil Engineering 342 or consent of instructor.
Topic 2: Biological Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Processing. Additional prerequisite: Civil Engineering 342 or consent of instructor.
Topic 3: Advanced Treatment Processes. Project-based course addressing advanced topics in treatment process design: alternative designs, computer models, laboratory testing, economics, and least-cost designs. Two and one-half lecture hours and one laboratory hour a week for one semester. Additional prerequisite: Civil Engineering 385L (Topic 1).
CE 385M - Unit Operations in Water and Wastewater Treatment
Physical, chemical and biological unit operations for water treatment and pollution control problems. One lecture hours and six laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Civil Engineering 385L (Topic 1: Physical and Chemical Treatment or Topic 2: Biological Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Processing) or consent of instructor.
CE 385N - Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Industrial wastewater characteristics; methods of in-plant control; application of various biological, chemical, and physical processes in practical water pollution control systems. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and credit or registration for Civil Engineering 385L or consent of instructor.
CE 385R - Land Treatment of Wastes
Principles of the use of land in management of municipal and industrial wasterwaters, sludges, and solids; includes problem evaluations. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Civil Engineering 342 or consent of instructor.
CE 385W - Drinking Water: Treatment and Public Health Issues
Fundamentals and applications of drinking water treatment processes, interactions amoung treatment processes, source water quality, and public health issues. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, Civil Engineering 385L (Topic 1: Physical and Chemical Treatment) and consent of instructor.
CE 386M - Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
Design of water and wastewater treatment facilities; pumps and hydraulic considerations; design of wasterwater collection systems; design of systems for handling and disposal of residuals. Specific facilities may be selected to meet individual interests. Six hours of lecture and design laboratory a week for one semester, with appropriate field trips to operating facilities. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and credit or registration for Civil Engineering 385L or consent of instructor.
CE 388N - Engineering and Management of Municipal and Industrial Residuals
Characterization and collection of solid wastes; biological, chemical and physical principles and integrated systems applicable to the treatment and disposal of municipal and industrial reduals. Two lecture hours and three discussion hours a week for one semester, with occasional field trips. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in civil or environmental engineering, or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 393M - Environmental Engineering Research Seminar
Presentation and discussion of environmental topics in surface water, groundwater, air resources, and land resources. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 397 - Water Supply and Waste Disposal in Developing Countries
Unique considerations in engineering of water supply and waste disposal in undeveloped, rural areas. Public health issues and their impact on engineering.
Water Resources
CE 380W - Water Resources Engineering Research Seminar
Presentations and discussions on various topics in water resources engineering. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 385D - Water Resources Planning and Management
Application of engineering economics, microeconomic theory, and operations research to the planning and management of water systems; major topics include flood control, hydroelectric power, water supply, multiobjective planning, and urban water resource management. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
CE 394K - Engineering Hydrology
May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. With consent of instructor, any topic may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; and a basic course in hydrology and in differential equations, or consent of instructor.
Topic 1 - Groundwater Pollution and Transport
Groundwater flow and hydroelectric modeling, sources of contamination, multiphase partitioning, advection-dispersion transport and modeling.
Topic 2 - Surface Water
Rainfall runoff processes, hydrograph theory, linear and nonlinear hydrologic system models, hydrologic and hydraulic streamflow routing, rainfall and flood flow frequency analysis, watershed models.
Topic 3 - Geographic Information Systems in Water Resources
Principles of geographic information systems, hydrology, and database management systems applied to water resources problems. Additional prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
CE 397 - Water Resources Development and Policies
Analysis of water resources projects, particularly international water projects, with emphasis on engineering planning considerations and their relation to governmental policies.
Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Ocean Engineering
CE 380P - Ocean Engineering Principles: Theory and Applications
May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; and Mathematics 427K and a course in fluid mechanics, or consent of instructor.
Topic 1: Principles of Hydrodynamics
Motion of a viscous or ideal fluid, waves and wave-body interactions, lifting surfaces, cavitating flows, computational hydrodynamics
Topic 2: Boundary Element Methods
Formulation and numerical implementation of boundary element methods; applications to problems in fluid mechanics, structural analysis, and solid mechanics.
CE 380S - Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Fundamentals of fluid mechanics applied in natural systems; analysis of energy; momentum, diffusion, turbulence, and stratification in lakes, rivers, and estuaries. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Civil Engineering 319F or consent of instructor.
CE380T - Computational Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Fundamentals of computational methods and their application to fluid mechanics problems in civil and environmental engineering. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, Civil Engineering 380S or an equivalent graduate course in fluid mechanics, and knowledge of a programming language.
CE 397 - Hydrodynamics of Propulsors and Dynamic Positioning Systems
Hydrofoil and lifting surface theory, actuator disk and lifting line theory, vortex-lattice and panel methods, blade design techniques, propulsor-inflow and propulsor-hull interaction, unsteady blade and shaft forces, and modeling of sheet cavitation.
CE 397 - Design of Offshore Structures
Selection of design storm; wave forces on structures; preliminary analysis of steel jacket platforms; joint design; fatigue considerations; foundation design; dynamic effects and responses.
Water Quality Management
CE 385K. - Water Quality
Analysis of water quality in natural systems and of effects of wastewater discharges. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Topic 1: Stream, Impoundment, and Estuarine Analysis I.
Basic physical, chemical, and biological properties of streams, impoundments, estuaries, and coastal waters; methods for analysis of water quality problems. Additional prerequisite: Civil Engineering 341 and one year of chemistry, or consent of instructor.
Topic 2: Stream Impoundment, and Estuarine Analysis II.
Application of methods of analysis to development of a water quality management plan for a water body in Texas. Additional prerequisite: Civil Engineering 385K (Topic 1) or consent of instructor.
Topic 3: Water Quality Modeling
Mathematical modeling of water quality, including dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and toxic substances in lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries. Additional prerequisite: Civil Engineering 385K (Topic 1) or consent of instructor.
Topic 4: Water Pollution Ecology
Advanced topics in the application of engineering solutions to ecological problems in freshwater and marine environments.
CE 390M - Water Quality Management
A consideration of the technical, scientific, legal, and socioeconomic aspects of water quality management. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
Environmental Engineering Science
CE 390J. - Engineering Microbiology
Fundamentals of microbiology and biochemistry as applied to environmental pollution and treatment processes, energetics and kinetics of microbial growth, and biological fate of pollutants; introduction to laboratory techniques. Three hours a week for one semester, including lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
CE 390L - Environmental Analysis
Advanced analytical procedures for the sampling, monitoring, and analyses of wastes in air, liquids, and other wastes. Six hours of lecture and laboratory a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, one year of chemistry, and consent of instructor.
CE 390N - Water Pollution Chemistry
Advanced topics in the application of engineering solutions to chemical problems in fresh water and marine environments. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
CE 390P - Environmental Organic Chemistry
Advanced topics in the environmental chemistry of organic contaminants in groundwater, soil and air systems. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
CE 397 - Particles in Water
The science and engineering of behavior of particles in water. Interactions of particles with the solution and other particles (double layer, hydrodynamics), and engineering processes for particle removal (flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, thickening, and membrane separation). (Lawler)
CE 397 - Surface and Soil Chemistry
An introduction to surface and soil chemistry as applied to environmental processes. Subjects include colloidal properties, liquid surfaces, liquid-liquid interfaces, solid-liquid interfaces, sorption, and soil components and their reactivity.
CE 397 - Chemical Dynamics in the Environment
Environmental chemodynamics: interphase equilibrium, reactions, transport processes and related models for anthropogenic substances across natural interfaces (air-water-sediment-soil) and associated boundary regions.
Air Resources
CE 381E - Design of Energy Efficient and Healty Buildings
Design of buildings for low energy use and optimal indoor air quality. Includes ventilation, energy efficiency, moisture problems, and prevention by design. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in engineering or consent of instructor.
CE 389T - Indoor Air Quality: Transport and Control
Transport and control of indoor pollutants. Includes particulate removal and pollutant transport into and within indoor environments. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in architectural or civil engineering.
CE 396L. - Air Pollution Engineering
Sources, transport, fate, impacts, characteristics, and control of air contaminants; source control and prevention; urban air quality; occupational and residential indoor air quality. May be repreated for credit when topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor._
Topic 1 - Air Pollution Chemistry
Classification, transport, transformation, deposition, sampling and analysis of particulate and gaseous air pollutants in urban, regional, and global - scale systems.
Topic 2 - Air Pollution Control
Design of air pollution control systems for stationary sources. Technical, regulatory, and economic fundamentals related to the control of gaseous and particulate emissions.
Topic 3 - Indoor Air Quality: Physics and Chemistry
Sources, transport, and fate of indoor air pollutants. Interactions between indoor pollutants and indooor materials. Indoor air chemistry. Human exposure to pollutants in indoor environments.
Topic 4 - Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling
Mathematical models of contaminant transport in the atmosphere; atmospheric turbulence and air pollution meteorology; Gaussian plume, gradient transport, and higher-order closure models; theoretical development and practical applications to engineering problems.
CE 396M - Advanced Topics in Atmospheric Science
May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in a natural science or engineering.
Topic 1: General Topics
Topic 2: Air Pollution Meterology
Basic meterology applied to air pollution; diffusion of conservative and nonconservative pollutants; plume rise; air pollution models.
CE 397 - Air Sampling and Analysis
Collection and analysis of air samples for gaseous and particulate contaminants. Gas flow rate and calibration techniques, stationary source sampling and analysis, indoor air sampling, ozone and NOX ambient air modeling.
CE397 - Climate Change Mitigation
This course explores the technical options for engineering a large-scale response to climate change, emphasizing critical questions in three key areas. Cross-cutting themes include the societal and economic context for implementing engineered responses, and skills for developing intuition at multiple scales of analysis.
Thesis and Project Courses
CE 397. Special Courses in Civil Engineering
For each semester hour of credit earned, the equivalent of one class hour a week for one semester; some topics require additional hours. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. With consent of instructor, any topic may be repeated for credit. Some topics may be offered on the credit/no credit basis only; these are identified in the Course Schedule. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Additional prerequisites vary with the topic and are given in the Course Schedule. Specific courses in recent years have included:
CE 397S, 697S - Special Independent Studies in Civil Engineering
Independent study. May be repeated for credit. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of adviser.
Topic 14: Master's Research
Topic 15: Dissertation Research
CE 398D - Department Report
Preparation of a report to fulfill the requirement for the master's degree under the departmental report option. Individual instruction. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in civil engineering and consent of supervising professor and graduate adviser.
CE 398R - Master's Report
Preparation of a report to fulfill the requirement for the Master of Science in Engineering degree under the Graduate School report option. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in civil engineering and consent of supervising professor and the graduate adviser.
CE 398T - Supervised Teaching in Civil Engineering
Special training in teaching methods and procedures for civil engineering courses, including laboratory courses; the development of new and material methods to update present courses. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in civil engineering and appointment made as teaching assistant.
CE 698 - Thesis
The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for two semesters. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: For 698A, graduate standing in civil engineering and consent of the graduate adviser; for 698B, Civil Engineering 698A.
CE 399R, 699R, 999R - Dissertation
Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree.
CE 399W, 699W, 999W - Dissertation
Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Civil Engineering 399R, 699R, 999R.
Interdisciplinary Courses
CE 387C - Geoenvironmental Engineering
Waste containment systems; ground and groundwater remediation systems; multiphase flow and transport; soil-chemical interaction; nonaqueous-phase liquids; soil liners; geosynthetic materials. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
CE 387T - Decision, Risk, and Reliability
Principles and theory for modeling uncertainty in civil engineering, analyzing how uncertainties affect performance, and developing rational bases for design and decision making under uncertain conditions. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and an introductory course in probability and statistics.
Undergraduate Courses in EWRE
The following may be included in graduate programs with approval of the student's advisor
CE 342 - Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering
Application of chemical, biological, and physical processes in engineering solutions to problems of water supply, pollution control, and wastewater treatment.
CE 356 - Elements of Hydraulic Engineering
Flow in closed conduits, hydraulic machinery; open-channel flow; flow measurement; design of storm sewers.
CE 358 - Introductory Ocean Engineering
Wave theory and its applications to coastal engineering and offshore structure technology. Includes fundamentals of inviscid and viscous flow of incompressible fluids, and applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in design.
CE 364 - Design of Pollution Control Systems
Analysis, synthesis, and design of integrated processes to handle and treat drinking water and wastewater.
CE 365K - Hydraulic Engineering Design
Application of engineering hydraulics to stormwater management; storm sewer design; engineering hydrology; open-channel hydraulics; hydraulic structures; culverts and bridges; stormwater detention facilities.
CE 369L - Air Pollution Engineering
Characterization of sources, emissions, transport, transformation, effects, control and measurement of gaseous and particulate air pollutants.
CE 370K - Environmental Sampling and Analysis
Principles of water chemistry, applied to measurement of contaminants in drinking water, wastewater, natural waters, and the atmosphere.
CE 374K - Hydrology
Phases of the hydrologic cycle, unit hydrograph, flow routing, hydrologic statistics, design storms and flows, design of storm sewers, detention ponds and water supply reservoirs.
CE 374L - Groundwater Hydraulics
Darcy's law, steady flow in aquifers, aquifer and well testing, regional flow, numerical simulation, unsaturated flow, saltwater intrusion.
Courses Outside EWRE (Examples)
This list includes courses outside of EWRE, which have been frequently taken by graduate students, especially Ph.D. students. Many other courses not listed are also available and can be taken with consent of advisor. These courses are organized by topics
Geology and Geotechnical Engineering
- CE 387C - Geoenvironmental
- Engineering
- GEO 391 - Field Methods in Hydrogeology
- GEO 391C - Hydrogeology
Chemical Engineering
- CHE 339 - Introduction to Biochemical Engineering
- CHE 453 - Transport Phenomena
- CHE 381P - Advanced Analysis for Chemical Engineers
- CHE 384 - Membrane Science
- CHE 385M - Surface Phenomena
- CHE 395F - Advanced Biochemical Engineering
- CH 618A - Organic Chemistry (often taken as CH 380M for graduate credit)
- CH 369 - Fundamentals of Biochemistry
- MIC 362 - Metabolism and Biochemistry of Microorganisms
- MIC 226 - General Microbiology: Microbial Cell Structure and Genetics
- MIC 227 - General Microbiology: Microbial Physiology and Ecology
- MIC 129K - General Microbiology Laboratory
- MIC 366 - Microbial Genetics
- MIC 382L - Techniques in Molecular Genetics
- EM 393M - Numerical Methods for Flow>Problems
- M 368K - Numerical Mathematics for Applications
- ME 380Q - Engineering Analysis
- PEN 381K - Engineering Analysis
- PEN 382L - Numerical Methods in Petroleum Engineering
- CHE 384 - Design of Experiments
- M 394C - Applied Statistics and General Linear Models
- ME 335 - Probability and Statistics for Engineer
Fluid Mechanics
- ME 381P.1 - Incompressible Flow I
- ME 381P.3 - Dynamics of Turbulent Flow
- ME 381P.5 - Incompressible Flow II
- ASE 382Q.6 - Finite Difference Methods in
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
Operations Research
- ME 366L - Introduction to Operations Research
- ME 379L - Intermediate Operations Research
- ME 391Q.1 - Nonlinear Programming
- ME 391Q.9 - Large Scale System Optimization_
- CE 391U - Artificial Intelligence Concepts and Algorithms
- LAW 376L - Water Law
- LAW 441L - Environmental Law
- PA 388K - Topics in Public Policy
- PA 391 - Public Financial Management
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