Joint-Appointed Faculty

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Course buyout

See COE: Release Time (Leave From the Instructional Budget) > Joint-appointed faculty.

Job requisition

A separate job requisition is required for each unit in which the new hire will be appointed. See COE: Job Requisitions in Workday - Faculty.

Offer letter

See COE: Hiring Joint Faculty.


See COE: Hiring Joint Faculty. See also COE: PAR - T/TT Electronic Document Processing Guide for screen-by-screen notes on processing joint hire PARs in DEFINE.

Promotion and Tenure

See COE: Promotion and Tenure (P&T) > Joint-appointed faculty.

Voting rights

See HOP 2-1020: Colleges, Schools, and Departments.

Jointly appointed faculty have voting rights regardless of their percent time.  Their eligibility to vote on Promotion & Tenure depends on departmental governance guidelines (e.g. if Executive Committee membership doesn’t include all full professors) and rank.


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