Printing / Copying / Scanning
Printing / Copying / Scanning
There are 2 multi-function copy machines at CTR.
- CTR-4-420-MPF (located in the Copy / mail room across from the director's office & next to the kitchen)
- CTR-4-210-MPF (located in the NMC computer lab)
CTR is charged per page for printing. Color is more expensive and is the default; please change settings to B&W / gray-scale when color is not essential. See step 2(b) below.
- Select which machine you want to print to.
- Change your settings to B&W unless color is necessary. (We get charged for every color copy, and the charges add up.)
- Open printer properties
- Change Image options
- Or change "Saved setting" library-2side-grayscale to turn off color. This saved setting will duplex print.
- Open printer properties
- Change any other settings (Printer Finishing options: staple packets, hole punch, fold, etc.)
- Click "OK" to save Printer Properties.
- Click "OK" to Print.
- You may need to check and update these settings each time you try start a new session in the application you are using.
When you scan using the multi-function copiers, the scan will be saved under a random filename in one of the following folders:
- \\engr-scan.austin.utexas.edu\Scanners\CTR-4-210
- \\engr-scan.austin.utexas.edu\Scanners\CTR-4-420
Shortcuts to these folders are on your computer desktop.
Please collect your scan and delete it from the scan folder as soon as you can.
, multiple selections available,
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