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Screen-Sharing Precautions

Original source: Email from Robert Reed

When you share your screen during a meeting, whether virtual or in person, ensure that your alerts and pop-ups are turned off to protect against any inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information. In addition, you may also have notifications that pop up that have information that is personal to you.
Using screen-sharing precautions is a necessary step for compliance with HIPAA, FERPA, confidentiality and other requirements.
You can:

  • Change your global notification settings to mute notifications during calls and meetings.
    On your UT-issued Windows laptop, if you are logging in with your EID, you can look for the bell in the lower right corner, right click on the bell and select "Notification settings".

       The window that opens will allow you to turn off notifications.

  • Choose to share only the relevant application rather than your entire desktop.
    When sharing select just the PowerPoint or browser window that has the content you need to share rather than the whole screen.