Comparing documents

Comparing documents

Kristen Harris (July 2019)

  1. Revise with EndNote reference fields intact.

  2. In Layout -- click lines continuous.  

  3. Name file: NAME_withENDNOTE.docx.

  4. Once you are fully done with revisions -- convert the EndNote citations to plain text. Name: NAME_noENDNOTE.

  5. Compare two word documents: Revised to Original submission:

  6. In Review mode -- insertions - classic blue; deletions - HIDDEN; outer border; everything else unclick (formatting, track moves etc. -- NOTHING else can be highlighted).

  7. Compare -- also unclick all but insertions and deletions in the dropdown menu.

  8. Print to PDF -- "Save" sometimes keeps extraneous stuff.

  9. Then in writing the rebuttal letter -- look at the line numbers saved to the PDF file -- and see that the PDF file shows all the changes in classic blue.

  10. ALL Figures -- 3D's should be oriented at one of the 90 degree angles, otherwise saving from Powerpoint is trashed.  0, 90, 180, 270, 360 -- not subtle angle changes to the figures in powerpoint.  Go back to Reconstruct if necessary to get better angles.