Resetting an Assignment

Quest administrators (not teachers) have the ability to reset an assignment for an individual student for a specific assignment, or for a whole class for a specific assignment.

Resetting a submission (Quest has to do this for you)
what it does: wipes clean an individual person's assignment submissions, or a full class for a specific assignment
what it does not do: retain the original score or answers
notes: we're happy to do this on an individual basis for an specific assignment as time allows (ie, just a handful a semester)

If you're sure you'd like to do this (as this action is not reversible), please email your course unique, URL/address line of the assignment itself along with the name of the assignment, and UT eid of the student who you'd like to have the assignment reset. Example of information to send below with specifics you'll need to fill in highlighted in blue:

'Hi, I'd like the following assignment in unique 'consensus' to be reset for UTeid: rbg4evr

Voice and Persuasion through Modeling

Thanks '

When this action has been completed we will let you know.