Room Reservations

Room Reservations

How to Make a Reservation Request

The School of Architecture is located in four buildings on the west side of campus - Battle Hall (BTL), Goldsmith Hall (GOL), Sutton Hall (SUT), and most of the West Mall Building (WMB). There are 19 studios in Goldsmith and Sutton, totaling over 35,000 square feet. The School of Architecture has access to two large lecture halls; Jessen Auditorium (HRH 2.104) holds 300 students and Goldsmith auditorium holds 100 students. In addition, the School has six classrooms, four review rooms, and a large exhibition space, the Mebane Gallery.

To make a room reservation request email
If your request is urgent, please go to SOA reception or call 512-471-1922.

Room Listings Reference

SOA Rooms

This table lists all of the rooms that SOA manages within Battle, Goldsmith, Sutton, and West Mall. Click the room number for the online version of its calendar. For technical guides on instructional use, visit this page.

Room Number



BTL 101Reading Room20
GOL 2.110Main Jury Room30
GOL 2.105Mebane Gallery100
GOL 2.302BDean's Conference Room20
GOL 3.1003rd Floor Hallway, maintain a 44'' clear aisle47
GOL 3.118Review Room20
GOL 3.120Lecture Hall104
GOL 3.126Seminar Room20
GOL 4.1004th Floor Hallway, maintain a 44'' clear aisle47
GOL 4.120Review Room 25
GOL Courtyard and Loggia
GOL North LobbyArea inside entrance from the West Mall30
GOL South LobbyArea outside 2.11040
GOL SW PatioPlease email The SOA Facility Manager to schedule the use of the GOL patio.
SUT 2.110Green Chair Room13
SUT 2.112Red Chair Room18-36
SUT 2.114Oak Chair Room18-36
SUT 3.1003rd Floor Hallway Display Area
SUT 3.112Blue Chair Room13
SUT 3.126Seminar Room20
SUT 4.1004th Floor Hallway Display Area
SUT 4.118Review Room25
WMB 1.110Small Computer Classroom45
WMB 1.114Large Computer Classroom65
WMB 3.108Eastside of Materials Lab20
WMB 4.1184th Floor Classroom26
WMB 5.1005th Floor Review Gallery
WMB 5.102Classroom40
WMB 5.112Classroom30
WMB 5.114Classroom34
WMB 5.118Conference Room
WMB 6.126Conference Room18

Other Rooms

Homer Rainey Hall (Jessen Auditorium)

Click the room number for the online version of its calendar.

Room Number



Email Address


HRH 2.104Jessen Auditorium300scheduling@mail.music.utexas.edu/wiki/spaces/soa/pages/57573486 (requires EID login and group access)

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