Proactive digitization-field data

Improve the data you collect in the field, use this digital format for more effective incorporation into our database 

Step-by-step guide

Details of each field will be visible on the template

  1. Here's what we would like to see come in from the field-at a minimum:

    Collecting Event Field number 

    Collecting Event date(s)

    All Collectors FULL Names

    Collecting Event Remarks

    Chronostrat data

    Lithostrat data

    Locality number if used

    Locality name




    GPS Latitude and Longitude

    IMPORTANT - GPS Accuracy

    Full taxon names (or descriptions of objects) found during the event

    Photos, sections, sketches!

  2. Here's what most researchers want from us-at a minimum:

    Catalog number (and possibly GUIDs or other ids associated with specimens)

    Full Taxon Names

    Locality information (as precise as possible)

    Georeference with some sort of uncertainty or ranking measurement


    Date collected

    Chrono/Litho data

    Photos and other media