Order Office Supplies

Order Office Supplies

How to Order Office Supplies ?

Office supplies should only be ordered through Today's Business Solutions or in person at Office Depot with a ProCard. Staff/ faculty cannot be reimbursed for any office supplies purchased from any other vendor than Office Depot/Today’s Business Solutions.

When using the ProCard at Office Depot store, you must present a copy of the store purchasing cart  SPC Flyer.pdf .

How to shop Online? 

Log into UTMarket procurement system and chose Today’s Business Solutions/Office Depot partner. 

  • You can use the search box to look up any items you would like to purchase and add to your cart.
  • Once you complete shopping, click on your Cart to check out. 

Shoppers can add description or comments using the boxes at the top of the page as below: 

  • When done shopping do not check out instead assign your cart to Michelle Belisle (EID eemlb) and add any notes, delivery comments or accounts... etc. 

  • Finance manager will review your purchase, complete the process and approve it forward. 
  • You will receive and Email once your supplies are delivered to come and pick them up from the main office or mailroom. 

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