Code-switches (_ followed by _*c_ or _*s_, or _*cu_ or _*su_)

    • Occasionally you may observe that a participant code-switches. When this occurs the following coding scheme should be used

Include the phrase that has been code-switched in carrots and follow the code-switch with this [*c] if the sample was in Spanish and the participant code-switched to Catalan or this [*s], if the sample was in Catalan and the participant code-switched to Spanish

      • Example: estaba en la <casa amb>[*c] mi hermana

        1. Here the <> followed by [*c] indicated a code-switch to Catalan, in a Spanish sample.

        2. In a Catalan sample, we would do the same thing but with a [*s] code appended to the "carrots" (i.e. <>).

        3. If a code-switch occurs within a phrase use the [c] or [*s] code, if it occurs at the *entire utterance level code this at [*cu] or [*su]

    1. The castellanismos should be considered as code-switching in Catalan and should be transcribed as is, here is a comprehensible list:
    2. Do not add any other punctuation symbols inside of the code:
      • Example: *PAR: <ah cómo se dice?>[*su].

Should be transcribed as: *PAR: <ah cómo se dice>[*su]?

d. When a sample is checked, CLAN may show the Catalan code-switch symbol [*c] is “not declared in the depfile.(11)”. This error should be ignored. Below is an image of what the error may look like.

@End of instructions!